Chickens staying in coop.

that coop looks so luxurious I'm not surprised they like it in there. I prefer sitting in my living room on my computer than in the shed too.
I would leave them with the chicks but soon they will have to go out (once they are big enough) so yeah when you feel that day has come should be the day you kick them all out for the day. I wouldn't force separating them before then.

Also what would encourage them more is placing the food and water outside once you want them to stay outside.
Yeah I have a green box I made once the rocks didn’t work. It hasn’t worked either. I think the issue is I put to much dirt in it so even covered with half inch hardware cloth they can get to the base of the herbs. I’m gonna try digging out some of the dirt and putting in new herbs again. It’s hard to plant it with all of the “help” I get. Hopefully the third time will be the charm. I’ve been thinking about run “clutter” and was wondering if they would like a “dog house” like a small to medium pot, turned upside down, that had a large round opening in it they could hide in. Or if they would enjoy tunnels or the like. Also figure I need to add some additional roosting areas to give more vertical space. They don’t use the swing yet. I’ve tried putting one on it and she freaked out even with me holding it so it wouldn’t move.
We actually have a second hand dog house (it’s one of those igloo ones) that they like going into and under. I’ve also tried a agility dog tunnel but mine were afraid of it. An old wooden ladder would make for a good roost. Experiment and see what your flock likes!
that coop looks so luxurious I'm not surprised they like it in there. I prefer sitting in my living room on my computer than in the shed too.
I would leave them with the chicks but soon they will have to go out (once they are big enough) so yeah when you feel that day has come should be the day you kick them all out for the day. I wouldn't force separating them before then.

Also what would encourage them more is placing the food and water outside once you want them to stay outside.
Thanks for the reply! I wanted a coop I could fit in to make things easier on me. I’d say it’s big enough that it would make a great play house or fort for kids. Lol.
I’d prefer no food and water in the coop, it’s too much of a mess. It’s only there now because of momma going broody and me giving her eggs to hatch. Also it goes in when they have to be shut in, like hurricanes and the like.
Once I have a few more distractions in the run I think I’ll throw everyone outside for the day on a nice sunny Saturday and keep watch to see how it goes.
We actually have a second hand dog house (it’s one of those igloo ones) that they like going into and under. I’ve also tried a agility dog tunnel but mine were afraid of it. An old wooden ladder would make for a good roost. Experiment and see what your flock likes!
Will do! I just thought about those plastic rabbit houses they have in with the rabbits at the pet store. I wonder how big of one they make. Something like that would offer a protective space and vertical space. I’m guessing they don’t make them big enough but I’m gonna look.

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