Chickens wont roost? Should I train them to?


May 14, 2021
For background these chickens are about 3 months old. Where I live there is basically zero predator risk, privacy fenced in fully, dogs in every yard including mine.

So I let my chickens free range all day and at night i corral them back to their run. They dont naturally go to bed in the run, they make a pile in the middle of the yard. Theyve never been allowed to sleep out there but yet they all choose to sleep out in the yard and dont choose to return to the run.

So at night, I corral them to the run, but they never want to go in the coop and roost. I figure that is ok for now, because I live in Central texas and it is hot even at night. They will visit the coop during the day but dont ever choose to sleep in there. They have fresh hay and a nice tall roosting ladder with plenty of room for everyone inside.

Should I be training them to want to be in the coop at this age? Am I making bad behaviors by letting them sleep outside? Will they eventually want to sleep in there? I want them to use the nesting boxes eventually when they are old enough.

Things I'm already doing:
I never feed them out of the run, all their water and feed and treats are given and provided in the run. They always have to go back to the run to sleep, I dont leave them out at night.

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