

7 Years
May 18, 2012
New Yawk
Two things:

1. My roo has a red bullseye type rash on his belly if you move the feathers away. I don't know what it could be. It could be nothing but I would rather be safe that sorry which is case with number two too:)

2. My speckled sussex is sneezing a lot. She is always walking slower and not keeping up with the rest of the flock when they're out in the yard. I'm worried but could it be allergies or a cold or something more serious?

Please help!!
Could be a tick or spider bite on the rooster...did you find any wound? Could it be a bruise?

Sneezing is not good, and you should isolate her from the flock...could be a number of things. There is a list of questions to fill out at the start of this forum section, which will help people help you.

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