Chickn with a hurt foot!


7 Years
Mar 8, 2014
Western PA
I noticed yesterday that one of my girls is hopping around on one foot. It seems that she's able to use both but will occasionally stop using one. I picked her up to check the foot but there is nothing visibly wrong. My thought was to give her a few days to see if she was feeling better but I'm a little concerned and don't want it to get worse instead of better.

Thoughts and suggestions as to what I should do?
Please and thank you!
If you say you can't see any visible signs of injury then it could just be that she stepped on something, twisted it when jumping down off something or got stepped on by another.

I have had this happen a few times now with my girls so I'd just suggest that you keep an eye on her for a few days and if it persists then a vet visit may be in order.

Good luck :)
Thanks! I'll be keeping an eye out! I just went out to check on her and she doesn't seem to be limping quite as much already....hopefully she'll stop altogether here soon!
Few months ago my parakeet had same problem. He was using only one foot for about two days and suddenly he was fine again (using both feet).
All is well with the chicken foot! It only took a few days to heal (haven't been on in awhile to update)...and actually at this point I can't even tell which chicken had the hurt food.....all good things!

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