ChickNCam is on three camera rotation now! Can you find the ducks??


12 Years
Aug 13, 2007
near Charlotte NC

I'm so psyched!! I got my replacement camera today from the manufacturer to replace the camera that died a few weeks back. That gives me a total of three cameras now on rotation on the webcam!

You can see the webcam at:


Camera #1 is in the parakeet aviary. There are babies in the lower row, closer box and in the middle row back box. Three babies in each nest and they are getting feathered now and are starting to stick their heads out of the nests demanding their supper!


Camera #2 is in the Chicken run. It's aimed for the most part at the hen pen - all hens except for one silky rooster (Dusky)


Camera #3 is aimed at my peacock's dance floor. He's most active in the morning (US Eastern time) and in the late afternoons. The two hens are both brooding nests of eggs in the shelter so he's not dancing quite as much as normal since there's nobody to impress right now.

I really want to add one more camera in the next few weeks so I can put on in the peafowl shelter and aim it at the broody nests. I've not let the hens sit their own eggs before, so we'll see how that goes and if they have any success.

Anyway, I'm such a geek that this makes me so excited.... lol

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Yeah - Peaguy goes behind the shelter a lot when he's not dancing. I sit here and watch the cam all day while I'm working and I often think of that scene from Jurassic Park when they are driving through the park and Ian Malcom says, 'There are dinosaurs in your dinosaur park, aren't there?'
Spent this afternoon after church with chicken and duck moving day. I moved the baby hens out to the grow out pen (they are all 6 and 8 weeks old now), and rearranged some fence panels to give the ducks more room to move now that they are all feathered out well.

The ducks were so funny when we opened up their space - like they were afraid to venture any further than where the original fence panel was to check out their larger digs.

Can you find them on the camera?? Hint... you'll see them in the chicken pen shot....

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