Chicks already fluent in Chicken


Jun 26, 2019
South East Pennsylvania
I had a very broody hen. Rather than see her fruitlessly sit day after day on unfertilized eggs, I bought some day old chicks and snuck them under her. As expected, she took to her parenting duties in short order. What I find amazing is the range of language skills the chicks have right out of the shell. The mother hen has many distinct commands... and the chicks are fluent in all of them. I've been noticing a few of them: 1. I'm over here. 2. Get over here now. 3. Danger. Be quiet and freeze. (grrrrrrr) 4. Danger. Run and hide. 5. I found food. (tuk tuk tuk) And the chicks talk back as well... An array of built in language skills from day one. So interesting.
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Yes, it's fascinating. And watching a 3-day-old chick try to dust bathe by watching mama is hilarious. I got day-old chicks for one of mine who went broody this spring and it is really lovely how quickly they make them their own. Enjoy!
Chicken language is endlessly fascinating.

I read in a Facebook group that someone heard on the radio (ha! How's that for solid scientific sourcing?) that chickens are the only animal they know of that have a word for you, their owner. Which they pass on to any newcomers. If you listen for it, you can figure out what it is.

I know my name. It's buBUHbuhbuhbuhbuh. My head cockerel says that whenever he first spots me.
I had a very broody hen. Rather than see her fruitlessly sit day after day on unfertilized eggs, I bought some day old chicks and snuck them under her. As expected, she took to her parenting duties in short order. What I find amazing is the range of language skills the chicks have right out of the shell. The mother hen has many distinct commands... and the chicks are fluent in all of them. I've been noticing a few of them: 1. I'm over here. 2. Get over here now. 3. Danger. Be quiet and freeze. (grrrrrrr) 4. Danger. Run and hide. 5. I found food. (tuk tuk tuk) And the chicks talk back as well... An array of built in language skills from day one. So interesting.
The speed at which new chicks learn form their mother is astonishing.
Scientists believe they have identified more than 30 distinct calls that seem to have communication purposes. It's now got to the point where there is some debates as to whether chickens have what humans would define as a proper language albeit limited compared to humans.

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