Chicks are about to graduate


Sep 6, 2022
Kathleen, Ga
I’ve been coop training for the last couple of weeks. The girls will be 7 weeks old Thursday. They are starting to go in the coop just before the sun sets. That;s when I move them to the brooder due to the continued windy(gusting 40 mph for three days now) and cool nights (low 40’s). I will still have to monitor them after they graduate to make sure they get in before the automatic door closes.

They all weigh enough now and they are finishing their second week training on the Grandpa’s Feeder. Don’t flame me for my choice of feeders here. After it didn’t leak in the torrential downpours last weekend and seeing the girls actually get on the treadle to open it and then not getting spooked anymore when it closes, I’m satisfied with it so far.

They really like the cup waterer’s. So feed and water are covered to their satisfaction. So thanks to everyone for welcoming me to the site. I hope to be able to provide insight and answer questions as good as many you have done for me. Trying new “technology” has been very enjoyable.
You seem very diligent. I just kicked a dozen chicks out in the yard, making sure they found the food and water and letting them decide for themselves where to spend their days and nights. I have 2.5 acres fenced in 6' chain link, with a henhouse they go in when they want (some of the chickens roost in trees), and plenty of bushes to hide under. I hatched them in an incubator and brooded them in the bathtub. I live in NM, a semi-arid desert, so I keep a hose running very slowly all the time, at one tree or another. And they become independent. So your extra work with your chicks strikes me as very diligent. You must get good results. How many do you have?

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