*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

it's day 7 and i have candle some of my chicken egg's , well not all only 4-5 .... i think i see something like shadow in the midlle of some of them... no veins at all......

my flash light - is from my mobile flash light (sony ericsson x10 mini) sooo i hope i dint see any veins because of my flishlight...

not sure , i 'm just going t wait 5-6 days more t check again...
it's day 7 and i have candle some of my chicken egg's , well not all only 4-5 .... i think i see something like shadow in the midlle of some of them... no veins at all......  

my flash light - is from my mobile flash light (sony ericsson x10 mini) sooo i hope i dint see any veins because of my flishlight... 

not sure , i 'm just going t wait 5-6 days more t check again... :fl

What color are your eggs? If they are dark, makes it difficult to see.
What color are your eggs? If they are dark, makes it difficult to see.

This was surprising to me, but blue eggs are REALLY hard to see through. I can see trough my brown eggs with ease but can't see anything in blue.

Like you, I had quite a bit of difficulty with the Ameraucana eggs to be able to see the veining, and the movement of the embryo. Was able to notice that it was dark on the 11-12th. day. But, with Marans eggs, could not see anything at all. At the moment, I am incubating Cream Legbar eggs ( if all goes well, will be xmas gifts), I can see just enough to tell that it is developing. Well, I hope that they are since no light is going through : )
Im on day 2, almost day 3 with my eggs. I did candle them to see if they were porous or not. I can see big dark spots inside. Im hoping thats a good thing. 1 egg looks a little porous so not sure if it going to make it or not. I have brown eggs. Not sure of the breed. My mom brought them back from a friend in FL and my she forgot to ask. All she knows is that they were brown and ugly haha. I think they might be Rhode Island Reds. This is my first time trying to hatch. Made my own incubator and it stays between 99-100. And the humidity is between 55-60% I rotate them 3-4 times a day and make sure to swap them around once a day since 2 eggs are close to the heat. If all goes well we should have babies on Dec 18th. A week before Christmas!!!

Thank you for posting the pictures so I know what to look for! It has been VERY helpful! I have a thread (First Timer) that I will keep my updates on.
Hello Silkiechicken,

I am in a dilemma of trying to decide if I should transfer the seemingly developing eggs from the incubator! to the brooding hen; and will appreciate your opinion as to what would be best for the possible chicks.

The eggs in question are in their 13th. day of development in the incubator, and compared to your info., photos and the videos, they are developing. Only one egg was clear which I have removed. One of my Orpington hen has been brooding diligently for the last 5 days. I am wondering if it would be good idea to give the eggs to her to hatch and raise the chicks?

Do hens need to brood a minimum number of days for hormonal change to take place for successful hatching, and rearing of the chicks? My limited experience of raising chicks has been that; the chicks fare better in many respects if raised by a mother. Would you please share your opinion as to if I should give the brooding hen the eggs in their 13th. day of incubator development, or should I let the eggs continue to remain where they are, and hatch in the incubator?

Thank you,


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