*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

If you can see veins in bigger and darker eggs, I'd say they are not viable. That said, look again at day 10 before tossing incase you're missing the veins. By day 5 they should be evident if you know what you are looking for.

Thank you! Today is day 9 and still nothing while the other eggs continue to progress. Guess I should just toss them but ugg it makes me so sad. Now I realized that all of her eggs are porous I think it is called so that may be why they are all duds.
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Need help again, I have 6 Rock eggs (previously miscounted prior to tossing the Sumatra eggs) I thought the non-viable Sumatra eggs were stinking but days after their removal the incubator still stinks. We are on day 12. I just candled them and at least three smell. But can the stink just absorb into a good egg. I'm scared to toss a good egg based on stinking alone. The veining/forming looks different with each egg. Some have just early signs of veining still, maybe these are the stinky little guys. Should I get rid of them?
I was using my iPhone light. It works pretty good, even better than the candleing box we learned to make in 4H.
Update-three of the rock eggs were forming. The ones that had stopped progressing were the stinky ones, once removed the bator smell subsided. Only two of the eggs hatched and they are doing well now. I snuck the two chicks under a broody hen who sat on her own duds for two weeks and she took the babies and is raising them well!
hi :D
i was wondering about your eggs. i am on day 15 or 16 or so and i see your eggs are quite filled in at that time, so are mine if they are held at a certain angle. are your eggs filled in and dark all the way around? or just on one side?
do the porous spots indicate a bacteria contamination? My hen has been laying on her eggs and already hatched 9! So I've been checking eggs that I sell through candling them and noticed a ton of spots. I read somewhere it could be contamination!!! So I'm searching for info so I can treat my flock d necessary! Please help

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