*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

If they are chirping and wiggling then you should leave them be until they hatch. Good luck!
17/18 made it. 3 needed assistance and 1 didn't make it. 1 was happy to have the help and came out and was with the rest in an hour the last 1 is still touch and go but I think will pull thru. It is resting in the warm incubator.
I am please with my first round using an incubator.
I candlled my eggs after their first day of being incubated. I didn't see much! Is this normal? And have I harmed the possible chicks?!
I candle at 7, 14 and 18 but sometimes I just can't resist and check on day 5 on 1 or 2 of the eggs. I love this ladies' website for hatching. It reminds me of that book, "What to Expect when your Expecting". She goes through each day of the hatch and what's going on inside the egg on that day. Here's the link to day 1. Just scroll to the bottom of the page to see the day 2 link.

I candlled my eggs after their first day of being incubated. I didn't see much! Is this normal? And have I harmed the possible chicks?!
The first 7 days of development are the most crucial in terms of avoiding defects and ensuring proper development. The less you handle them, the better. It is best to wait to day 7 to candle them. You won't be able to see much before then anyway.
The first 7 days of development are the most crucial in terms of avoiding defects and ensuring proper development.  The less you handle them, the better.  It is best to wait to day 7 to candle them.  You won't be able to see much before then anyway.
Thanks! So I won't be touching them anymore! Only when I have to turn them :)
My incubator was off for over an hour today.. We had a power cut and I was so focused other stupid things that I completely about the eggs in my room. It's back in now, but I'm guessing the chicks inside the eggs are dead? Is there anyway they'll be okay?! I'm so angry at myself for not even thinking about them xx

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