*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

My incubator was off for over an hour today.. We had a power cut and I was so focused other stupid things that I completely about the eggs in my room. It's back in now, but I'm guessing the chicks inside the eggs are dead? Is there anyway they'll be okay?! I'm so angry at myself for not even thinking about them xx
They should be fine. It takes a while for the incubator to cool off and longer for the eggs to cool off. My eggs sat overnight in the cold when my broody got bored and 17/18 eggs hatched in my incubator.
This is very informative and will be a helpful reference for along time. I'm just finishing my first hatch. 2 winners, 5 yolkers that were removed, 5 still in the incubator just incase they are really late bloomers!... um, hatchers! Anyone hatch Cream Legbar and know if they tend to be late? The 2 that hatched were not CLB.
Legbar eggs are difficult to hatch depending on what lines they come from. My first two hatches got 0% on the legbars. Third hatch I had about 40%, but the rooster was not a legbar. I'd give them an extra day to hatch. After that, tap on the egg. If you get no response from the chick it is probably dead. :(
Hi guys, quick question. We have some eggs in an incubator and a broody hen who is sitting on some eggs! My dad wants me to put the incubated chicks with the broody hen as soon as they hatch?? I wasn't sure if that was a good idea?
Are all the eggs supposed to hatch at the same time?  And how many are there?  You don't want your hen stuck taking care of too many chicks.
No, the incubated eggs are due to hatch any day now and her eggs aren't due for a while x
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If you put chicks under your broody, she will leave the next within a day or two. Any eggs that are left under her won't hatch. You would have to take the eggs she has and put them in the incubator to hatch. Probably better just to leave them where they are.
If you put chicks under your broody, she will leave the next within a day or two.  Any eggs that are left under her won't hatch.  You would have to take the eggs she has and put them in the incubator to hatch.  Probably better just to leave them where they are.  
I've decided to leave everything how it is!! One more question, I have three eggs in an incubator.. I can see that one of them hasn't grown at all for a long time
my incubator did turn off for an hour the other day due to a power cut, the other ones seems to have grown. It's just that one! It looks almost floppy and lifeless, some of the veins look sort of loose and flowy? I don't know if anyone else has experienced this..?? I was thinking to just take the egg out so the other ones can get as much heat as possible..
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