*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

Thanks for this great advice. I've had chickens for about 11 months and 1 just went broody on me. She's sitting on at least 1 egg (my husband thinks he saw 2) and I tried to candle it without any luck...I'm new to that too. I was going to try to candle again in a few days because I don't think I did it right, but your advice will give me at least 1 more week before I toss the egg. I probably would have been tempted to toss it in a few days vs a week. I LOVE this thread too BTW, because of all the pictures, it really helped me understand what to look for with a break down of days. Better than anything I've googled so far.
Thanks. For broody hens and eggs that are not in their own hutches/coops, I would go in, take the eggs, and date them. That way, if you have hens laying eggs in her nest, or she decides to steal eggs to add to her nest, you know which eggs were in there for her to hatch, and you won't have to deal with half developed chicks when mom gets up. Just take out the "new ones" as they show up.
Love all your great advice, thank you again (about the dates). I went out to candle again and date only to find out the eggs are GONE!!! I'm so sad
I think I'll put some more eggs under her tonight (with dates) and then move her to her own brooder tomorrow night (I've heard night is the best time to do this) We have been having problems with one of our hens eating eggs so she maybe the thief, even though I don't see any signs this time of egg eating
Would you post more pictures of your incubator and explain how it is made? Also, why do the bulbs have foil on them?
I can try when I get some spare time this quarter, but it really was slowly pieced together over a literal decade. The box is about 14 x 16 x 16 inches, the front door is attached with a closet magnent at the top and comes off all the way, and a sheet of plexi glass is screwed onto the top. The back has two holes on which the ceramic lamp holders are attached and they are wired to a salvaged GQF pre-set thermostat. The reason for the foil is because the pre set is a pre set, and the thermistor on the unit is blue, that soaks up visable light and the foil prevents the light from affecting temperature... in addition to curbing the bright flashing for 40-60watt bulbs The last item is a computer fan attached to a 12V converter, also salvaged from who knows what. The tray inside is just made from 1/2's with wire attached to the bottom on top of a brownie pan of water. They tray is just held up by 2x2's that fit inside. The whole thing is painted in an entire half quarter of spar urethane... about 7-10 coats.

I'll see what I can do. Might have to be after classes are done for the quarter though.
Is a wooden incubator supposed to be more effecient than styrofoam? I am just wondering about reworking my bator and mOe one out of wood.
Oh, a styro will be way more efficient energy wise. The combo of a thin plexi glass cover and 1/2 inch ply wood = lots of heat escape. The box is warm on the surface of the outsides. However, the half quart of spar urethane allows for easy quick wipe off of the insides and the big window on top is nice to watch the hatch though. In the first 21 days though, I have it under a sleeping bag to help reduce heat loss...

Overall, I like wood because it was easy to customize, what I had on hand (was like 13 when my dad bought me a sheet of plywood), and wouldn't fall apart like styro can. Plus I like the looks. However, energy efficiency = really bad.
Okay so I have a question, I candled my eggs last night and 11 of them have veins and little eye balls!!

I only saw veins in one brown egg, the rest were in blue eggs. The rest of the brown I only see a dark shape which I assume is the yolk. I'm leaving them in for awhile just in case, but chances are this dark matter is just yolk and there's no baby chick in there?? Or are brown eggs darker than blue?

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