*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

I want to personally thank you for taking the time to take and post all those pictures!!! It sure helps answer alot of questions!!! What a great job you did!

I was just using a point and shoot Cannon that is like 5 years old, so I'm no professional or anything even close. I just literally know how to point and click.

The light is an eagleTac similar to: http://www.eagletac.com/flashlights/t10lc2.html The one they offer now has an additional strobe mode which the one I use doesn't have. Output is the same though. Pictures of candling I have taken previous to this thread were all with a Surefire 6p: http://www.surefire.com/6P-Original, which can now be bought at lowes if I remember right.
wow very good info..i learned alot..
one question though..do thy develop better like in
the pictures to have them horizontaly or verticaly...
im just kind of lost with that..a neighbor or mine said
its best to set them verticaly but ive read that vertical eggs can damage the baby
on its head? and seeing this i just got very confused..
are they best set side ways, up down and how do you flip
when they say end to end?180 degrees?
Generally, they are on their sides, or if vertically in a carton/tray, held with big side up. The turning... by hand just rotated 180 any way you want, doesn't matter, the embryo is suspended. I just put a number on one side, and flip between the numbered and non numbered side. In commercial auto turners, often they are just rocked 45 deg in each direction. It's just to prevent any part of the chick or membranes from sticking to the inner shell membranes.

When the eggs are in a broody's nest... they can be in any direction, and they still manage to get out.

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