*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

thanks for showing the hatching of the eggs i learned alot from it. i bought a little incubator and the first egg i had no luck with but now i have a better idea on what to look for thanks again
I just wanted to say that these are great candling pictures! I'm glad that you have had so much success with your hatches and you have done the people of BYC a service by showing fine pictures and detailed descriptions of what is occurring in the egg for the day listed. BRAVO!!
Now, I don't know how you'd go about doing this(assuming you can b/c of Moderator status), but I think that once you get a page set up with these candling pics, it should be linked to the "how-to" pages in the Learning Center!
Thanks again and have a great SPRING! (when it comes..)
I have 32 duck eggs in the bator and two goose eggs... I broke down and spent the 75 dollars for that nice flashlight yesterday. SO I will be ready next week to candle and probably see that my eggs are infertile...lol
Just incredible! I just want to echo the sentiments of the pages of other posters and truly, truly thank you for such an well documented and thorough fertile egg to hatch. So much incredible information for all of us out here in BYC land, thank you, thank you, thank you!! And CONGRATS on your new lil ones, mine come TOMORROW!!!! (Can you tell I'm excited??
Happy hatching to everyone who has eggs.

As for duck/goose eggs, they are usually larger and have much thicker shells, so I don't know how well you will be able to see though the shells even with super bright lights.

I wish I had the time to sit down and make a page, can't be that hard, but I just haven't done it yet.
Silkie, I cannot express how much I appreciate the time you took to post these pictures. I'm in day 6 of my incubation, and it's wonderful to be able to candle and compare to your pictures. I'm right dead on with your day 7 moving embryo video. Thank you SO MUCH!
One of the goose eggs that I put in on Suday night.... I looked at it and I can see thru it very good. There is a vein. I am so excited, This is day 4 so I am going to look tonight when I do the 10 minute cool down that I am supposed to start tonight.. I still don't think the duck eggs are any good. I watched him try to breed yesterday and he is in the right position.... sort of.... but he falls off. He got his sense of balance from me....lol

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