*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

Thanks to Dave (ptig78d) I now have the first post as a page in the learning center!

Glad people are finding it helpful.

That's also nice that you can see though the waterfowl eggs! Hope they hatch!
You are welcome, silkiechicken! As I told you...that first post was so well done, and so many people are finding it helpful....it should be, and now is, part of the Learning Center. Good info like that should be shared with the community at large...and so many people visit the learning center. Just think...we've saved chickies lives by helping people to realize that just because you don't see what you think you should, if you let Mother Nature do her thing and she might surprise you!

I bought a new high output lamp bulb and candled again....much better now! I can see veining in M2, 1, and 3, I think two clear ones, and the rest are "wait and see".
Take care,
I am just about to incubate my first 6 bantam egg's, i have three chickens that my sister hatched ( not naturaly or literaly lol)and i found your pictures and explanations very helpfull , I well use them to guide me through the prosess
thank you .
Add me to your growing list of those who found this original post so very helpful Silkiechicken. I can't begin to thank you enough for the time it must have taken you to set this up and keep at it. The pictures are absolutely invaluable to me in helping me to recognize what is what in looking at my own eggs for the very first time. Yes, I'm a newbie when it comes to this incubating game.

This is one of the best darn tutorials on egg candling I have ever seen! So glad that the powers that be made it a sticky and that you now have a page in the learning center. I rest assured now, that I will always have this as a reference any time, day or night! Thanks again for such a superb job.
Seriously I have come back over and over to page one with the pics. I was able to tell which were late quitters, which were no good to start with and that I have CHICKENS in my bator!!!!
I used it on my chicken pictures and am able to use it on my duck eggs too. Just time adjusted. Can't really see much on the goose eggs tho. Just veins but can't tell if there is any progress. Just leaving them for now. My ducks were soooo active last night. I have 5 that are progressing.. I bought 6 day old ducks a couple of days ago. They are seriously cute, but wow, do they ever make messes. I have them in a cardboard box but that is fastly not working. Going to go buy a rubber maid long and shallow container today. they are splashing water everywhere. I have the waterers in a cookie sheet but they are still spashing over the sides.

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