*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

I just figured who many hours I'm "in" 61.5
I'm hatching some VERY dark Marans eggs...I'm using a very bright flashlight and I still cannot see inside... :-( Aside from seeing if the babies inside are alive or quitters, is there any other reason to candle??:-(
You can not candle and just wait through hatch. Candling is to remove eggs with broken shells and quitters, but it is not required. If anything smells off, find that stinky one and toss and you'll be fine.

As for the paper cups for catching hatch drippings, It keeps the shells more contained and out of the water during the hatch. Of course, the chick can always be roudy and knock the little paper cups over and spill the contents. :p It's just a paper towel with edges folded up.

If you can't see though the egg, more lumens! Go for 400+ run time output lumens for the dark eggs.

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