*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

The Humidity Registers At 75% Trays Are Full Of Water,,,4 Wet Sponges In Each Corner....i Think, Something Went Wrong With The Humidity Earlier
Never Had This Problem Befor...not Shouting...just Can Not Find My Reading Glasses. So Has Too Be Large
my chick started pipping 10 hours ago.
i have helped it along a bit but havent messed with it too much.
it has stopped trying to get out about 5 hours ago. it is still breathing but im worried.
is it to a point now that i can get it out myself? because it seems like this chick has given up on itself.
please reply asap:)
I know that most people wouldn't help it and would say not to, but my last hatch in January, I did help a lot of them. I only lost one and she was already dead. I would have lost over 10 chicks if I hadn't. They couldn't break through the rest of the way. I think it's a personal choice and mine is to help even if others think it is wrong. Good luck!
Wow this was awesome. I loved it. I am going to save and show my kids tomorrow. Wonderful job;)
i'm on day 5 right now...and have a couple questions.

first, it looks like it's best to do this in a complete dark room?
if I have the eggs in a turner, is it ok to lay them on their side to candle them? i don't wanna hurt the little guys inside.
what is the shells are spotted...not in color but when you candle them, its almost like theres clear spots all over them...like they are spotted??? what does that mean?

Any help would be GREAT

See new babies,silkies eggs from ebay and my broody,had 12 eggs under her and so far 5 babies four whites and one partridge,she is still sitting on the rest of the eggs so I`m hoping for more hatchings.
I am incubating for the first time. I have the temp at 99.7 and the humidity at 48% . It is day three and all I can see is just a dark shape that I think is the yolk. Like I said I don't know. We always let mother nature take her course. I have 13 eggs. I also know that no one gets 100% except on those great rare times. I hope to see more in the next couple of days...and should I be worried about anything? thanks to all

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