*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

He is doing his job, I am positive
. I think they are all around 10 days, but I am just guessing. I want to crack one and see, but I would hate to kill a pre baby chick. Should I just start all over? Any more advice/help/ideas?

Let them continue. Eggs get lighter as they incubate/develop as they lose water. The change is slight enough (10%) that you won't really be able to feel it by your hand.

At 10 days, veins or dark blob is all you will see depending on your light source.

She is sitting on nine eggs.I researched the whole process and my light is not very bright at all, so I am just gonna let mother nature take her course. If they hatch they hatch if they don't they don't! This is my first broody and I am really only doing this for fun.
And, to add more chickies to my flock.
Fantastic thread thanks for posting it i am first time hatcher and have eggs in my incubator as we speak they have been in for 7 days today going to candle them later today thanks again this will help loads
Thanks for the photos they are fantastic,I had 10 eggs under a B.O and a Pekin Silkie cross I candled them on day 8 and thanks to to your photos I had something to compare them to .There were 7 fertile and 3 duds I opened them to make sure and I was right,if itwasnt for your photos I wouldnt have had a clue what I was looking at.I have put them back under the broodies and I am just going to leave them there until they hatch on 7th Feb.If I put them under the broody on the 17th of Jan when would you expect them to hatch.
Thanks for the wonderful candeling pix - I have been using these pix as my "bible" and now have 28 out of 30 eggs at day 15 that look right on target with these pix! I am so grateful for this thread - I would not have had any clue as to what I was looking for without these great pix! I hope to have babies by the end of the week!!!!
I still use it and enjoy it for a variety of reasons (seeing all my babies when they were babies is one!) and I definitely refer people to it all the time.

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