*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

That was great - thanks for the pics. it really helps a newbie like me. One question: do you ever find that a chick starts the zip, then quits. I have two like that now and am trying to decide whether to help them or not. i am at work, thankfully I guess, so that prevents me from yanking them out (lol) what are your thoughts"?
YEAH!!!!! Hubby agreed to let me buy a SMALL incubator. Can you give me any suggestions as to the best for the most inexpensive? Said I had to go CHEEP, ha ha so need to know from experienced people what you think is the best for not so much money. Talking about 6-8 eggs at a time I think. I can always hatch one batch and then do another, right?? Need your help and all suggestions will be appreciated. Guess hubby decided it would be better to buy one instead of helping me make one. YEAH!!!!!
I've had chicks zip about a quarter of the way and take a few hour nap, but most tend to zip all the way out once they decide to make the big push. I'm of the thought that if they can't make it themselves they aren't strong enough and I don't want to pass those genes on to the next generation. Others are of the thought that something might have happened and helping saves more lives than it kills. I say, give 24 hours post pip or 22 days, which ever is longer before considering "helping" a chick.
You get what you pay for...

Many have good luck with the Styrofoam incubators if you are going for cheap, but they can be very finicky to use. Seems that most here say those styro bators are chick killers and would have never bought one had they known how hard and finicky they are, and that they should have just spent that money on a better one.

For better luck, I'd be looking to spend 200+ on a decent incubator if you don't want to make one yourself. Regardless of which one you do get, you want to run less important local eggs the first few times till you learn what works and what does not work with your incubator. There is no perfect way to run a bator, as every season, room, and house will have different conditions that work for them and not for others. For example... I never check humidity and don't have a problem with hatches. I just watch air cell size.
I'm glad I finally found this topic. We "almost" tossed a bunch of eggs because we didn't know how to candle properly and thought they were duds. We didn't and now, on day 21, 7 of fourteen have hatched, and 7 more have pipped!

New young cockerel, and 100% fertility! I'm jazzed.

I'll be referring to these pics often, till I know what I'm doing - thank you!
I'm pretty new at this and those pictures are great. I have a few picture examples that came with my incubators but these are great. I hope I get results with my silkie eggs that are in the incubator now. Thanks!
Wow, these are great pictures! & some adorable little chicks! :
Is the eagle tec light what you would recommend most for candling/Can a large LED light work well too? Also, where is the best place to find/purchase eagle tec and other candling lights and light bulbs? Can they only be found online/through local sellers? Thanks

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