*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

Thanks for posting this. It really help me!!!
So, last thurs, i went to a small lake that has ducks as residents and i happened upon an egg, it was still warm and actually had teeth marks any (they didnt puncture) I searched for any nests i could put into, but i couldn't find any, so i took it home. I didnt have the heart to leave it. After research i got in the proper incubation care and even candled it. It's has a red spot and a good air sac. I have been rotating it and even put cups of water next to it. Well, it's been a week and i candled it, the red is only on one side and it seems to have gotten a little bigger, even the air sac has. Although i don't see any heart or veins! I have researched everything but everyone says something different and it's hard to say how old the egg really is b/c i don't know how old it was when i got it, i just know i have had it for 7 days. So, is it fertile, or just not developed enough yet?

Awesome post - thank you!!
I'm on day 22 and really worried that my eggs aren't going to hatch as there are no signs of pipping :( I've been walking on egg shells all week... so to speak! How many days do you wait before you give up on them? I'm thinking after Day 24 it might be too late... I'll be really sad if these don't wake up!! Dang...
Chookchook5050 I am so hoping they all hatch.

Silkiechicken, this is truly an amazing thread you posted. It has been so informative and as an ultrasound tech I just absolutely love seeing inside the eggs, watching the chicks form and wiggle about. Thank you so much for taking the time in taking the pictures, posting them and the video's. I am now feeling more confident in my up and coming hatch day next week, this will be my first. Today is day 15 for my eggs and I candled them and they are getting darker and its not so easy to see through the egg any more and I was a little worried, but there is still fetal chick movement which I was so excited to see. They are under my broody hen and she is doing a wonderful job at incubating and tending to them.


Congrats on the baby!!! Hope you get at least one more!


Thank you! I am glad the post is informational and you find it useful. Good luck on your hatch!

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