Chicks are scared of me?


11 Years
Oct 12, 2011
I have 12 baby cochins. They're 15 days old today!

5 of them come to me at will and enjoy being petted and held. 4 of them stand off to the side and eye me suspiciously, but do like treats.

3 of them refuse to come near me and actually scream in terror if I move my hands toward them. They won't even come to me for treats. They back themselves into a corner of the brooder and scream at me!

These 3 I haven't held much in the 15 days I've had them because they fly in panic when I try to touch them.

What can I do?? Will they always be like this?
The more you handle them the tamer they become. Mine were the same way and now at 4.5-5.5 weeks old they all come to me to see if I have food.
My suggestion is that when you check on the chicks each day, that you make it a habit of picking each one up and petting them for about 2 minutes while letting them eat oatmeal (mixed with a bit of grit if possible) from your hand. (We had a towel by the chicks that we put over our laps while doing this).
You may be able to win them over in time. I have a few birds like you described, They don't run in terror from me, but they don't want to be handled. They all have their own little personalities and ways. Good luck with them.
When a big giant looms over me, I get scared too :) Try getting at their level more and see what happens. Mine freak with me looming over the brooder but they do better once I snag them and bring them up close and they can see me and are more at eye level.

Of course there are going to be individual chickens that aren't into people - which is why they make nets for us to catch chickens like that when we need to handle them for whatever reason.

ETA: dry oatmeal and you can buy "chick grit" at the feed store/TSC
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can I use play sand?
what exactly is grit? I've always heard that birds eat rocks

You don't have to worry about grit now. Full grown birds use grit to help break down hard food (Bugs, grain) in their gizzards. They will eat small stones, bits of gravel for that. The food that the chicks eat in the brooder is easily digested by them, no grit necessary.
i have ten three week olds.they will eat dried meal worms from my hands.but still scream if i pick them up.

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