CHicks are too old for starter, too young for layer- now what?


10 Years
Apr 30, 2009
Central Massachusetts
I need feeding advice- I have four buff orpington girls, and i am chicken-sitting eight more (2 each EE, BO, RIR, Comets). They are all 9 weeks old today. I'm still feeding my girls starter crumbles that they've been on since they hatched, and have enough to keep feeding for a while, but the chickens that I'm watching are about to run out of the same food. What is the proper food to switch to at 9 weeks? I'm looking for a particular name and brand. I know that it's a "grower/finisher" but i've now been twice sold the wrong food- first, Nutrena game & turkey grower, and then Nutrena layer mash. I don't think the kids working at my local agway know what they are talking about- i know not to give layer mash to 9 week olds. My starter crumbles say hatch to 8 weeks of age. It appears my local agway does not believe in feeding chickens from the age of 8 weeks to the first lay, because they don't offer anything for that age.

(Also, I know someone will say I need to contact the owner of the chickens and let them decide, but its my brother, and our chicks are all from the same hatch and we are pretty much keeping them on the same schedule, so if he switches food, I know I need to as well).

So--- what do you feed when they outgrow starter but aren't old enough for layer? Is there a Pull-Ups of chicken food?
I think what you are looking for is Dumor (owned by Purina, sold at TSC). They have a "finisher" which drops them to 15% protein (I think) before going to the layer ration that has 16%+calcium etc. Purina has a "starter/grower" that you can give all the way up to 18 weeks when they are supposed to go on Layer rations. Thats what I feed and I like it. It wouldn't hurt them to continue giving them starter for another couple of weeks while you locate Dumor or whatever.
Nutrena make a grower/finisher. Is there a smaller, privately owned feed store around you? They tend to know more about feeding chickens, the one I go to is excellent, but near work, not home. So one time I ran out a little expectantly and had to go to the one closer to home. I asked for grower, and the guy said "medicated chick starter?" I was like, wow, is that what I said? I guess some places are just anti-grower.
just keep feeding them starter. it will not hurt them.. if you can get a grower type feed, that is ok too..

those feeds are formulated for optimum results.. You are not doing anything near commercial so it really doesn't matter that much if they don't put on the extra 4 ounces at 10 weeks..

the reason that they do not recommend layer feed is because of the extra calcium.. but that also is not fatal..

the main difference in all feed is the protein %..

I use a brand that is called Pullet developer.

Starter for the first 5 weeks, then developer till laying age, then over to layer.

It is 15% protien.
I ran into a similar problem. Older chicks needed to get ready to lay and younger chicks were to young for layer food. Someone one this site recommended Purina FlockRaiser. It was perfect! I used it until the younger ones were ready to lay then switched them all to layer crumbles.
What is up with anti-grower sentiment??? I can't get anyone around here to even take me seriously when I ask for it.

I think I'm going to finish up my starter which should get me at least to 16 weeks, then switch to layer around then. This is just based on some other stuff I saw posted here.

Unless there's a big problem with that? Are my girls (3 of them) going to get obese and not lay if I do this?

Edited to contain: gel2727, that is too funny-- just noticed you're in CT too, aren't you??? I bet is was the same guy!!!!!!!! Ha!
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What is up with anti-grower sentiment??? I can't get anyone around here to even take me seriously when I ask for it.

I think I'm going to finish up my starter which should get me at least to 16 weeks, then switch to layer around then. This is just based on some other stuff I saw posted here.

Unless there's a big problem with that? Are my girls (3 of them) going to get obese and not lay if I do this?

Edited to contain: gel2727, that is too funny-- just noticed you're in CT too, aren't you??? I bet is was the same guy!!!!!!!! Ha!

I NEVER used grower with any of my chickens. i used started until they layed and then layer. They are all healthy fat hens who have great eggs~ Now meat chickens are a different story!!

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