Chicks at Tractor Supply


8 Years
Aug 21, 2011
Marysville, Ohio
Okay, I'm new to this chicken business. Got my chicks from a hatchery last September. They are all well and I see why everyone is so crazy about them. They give me a lot of laughs, a lot of joy and are completly spoiled..
That said...I was at the farm store in Marysville,Ohio today (Yes I'm naming names) and there was a chick with pasty butt that was obviously having a hard time. Another customer and I spoke to the clerk and told her if something wasn't done the chick would die. She said nothing, just walked away. When I went to check out I told the cashier the same thing and she just said "Ah, Poor Thing" There was another chick in a trough by itself with a nasty injury to it's rump,pecked maybe, with flies buzzing around it. As far as I am concerned this is abuse. What can I do? Is it because they are just livestock to them that they treat them so badly? Anyone have an experience like this and what did you do?
I would've asked to talk to the manager and let him know if nothing was done, you were going to get PITA involved!! I'm sure they wouldn't want that!

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