Chicks attacking each other


In the Brooder
Jun 14, 2015
So I started out a couple weeks ago with a few different breeds of chicks. The first two chicks I thought I lost due to them being sick but I caught my buff orpingtons and my rode island in the act of attacking and killing one of my Easter eggs. Know Im left with only four birds out of the nine I have bought. 3 buffs and one Rhode Island red. Any one else have these problems? Any suggestions and tips? I will not be getting any more chicks untill these ones are old enough to go outside but I'm worried about getting any more! It's been a rough couple weeks!
Thanks! My red is the biggest one out of the birds. Way bigger then the rest but roughly the same age. And I have noticed it to be the aggressor and the other ones to follow. I just don't know what to do. I can't handle to loose another chick. It's making me crazy!
Chicks attacking to the point of killing each other is pretty rare. How much space do they have? Can you get pics or describe your brooder.
I bought the brooder from the place I bought the chicks. They said it can handle 7 to 8 chicks and I've never had more then 8 chicks in it at a time. I will post a picture in a minute. Also I lost one chick the day after I got my original chicks one died and I went back and bought a couple more the new ones I bought are fine but have killed off all the original chicks I bought
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Thanks! My red is the biggest one out of the birds. Way bigger then the rest but roughly the same age. And I have noticed it to be the aggressor and the other ones to follow. I just don't know what to do. I can't handle to loose another chick. It's making me crazy!

I know :( I couldn't imagine my chicks killing each other. But they are best friends.! Or sisters :) I have never seen them "fight" they just freak out when separated.
Also I'm new to raising chicks so the guy who sold us the brooder could have been completely wrong about the size. How ever they are going outside to the coop tomorrow and only coming in at night. Let me go take a picture really quick
I'm thinking your chicks need more space. I can't tell exactly how large that brooder is, but it won't handle that many birds more than 2ish weeks. They also don't appear to have any way to get out from under the heat, they need access to an area of ambient temp, completely out from under the lamp to be able to self regulate. Other than space, sorry I've got nothing for why your birds would be attacking each other.
Ditto what Donrae says. Too crowded, and most likely overheated. How old are those chicks now, what are the dimensions of the brooder, how many chicks are there, and what is the high and low temp in the brooder?

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