Chicks born in the fall. When should I expect my first egg?


8 Years
Jan 25, 2012
Southeastern, Oklahoma
Hello All!

My chicks that hatched on the 23rd of September 2015 are 21 weeks old this week, and still no eggs! I know this isn't ab normal and that generally I could still not expect an egg for another few weeks. I have never raised chicks from a fall hatch before this (only ever raised chicks that hatched in February or March) so I am used to getting my first eggs at 18-20 weeks. My question is, will the still shortened hours of daylight push the date of their first egg off at all? In general, does it take chicks that are hatched in the fall more weeks to lay their first egg than it does chicks that are hatched in the spring? My older hens had slacked way off for the winter, and just in the last week have started laying again at almost full production.

I am in Southeastern Oklahoma and we have been having temperatures in the high 60's to low 70's for the last week, and according to the forecast that is supposed to continue for the next 2 weeks.

The chicks that I am speaking of that are just 21 weeks old are Hatchery Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, and Barred Plymouth Rocks.

The Roosters of this bunch have all been crowing for about 4 weeks now, and just this last week the roosters have been mounting the hens for the first time that we had seen.

Thanks for the information!
My chicks were born the beginning of august and I got eggs right around 24 weeks as well (early january). It can seem like forever until the first egg comes, but it certainly will! How do their combs look?
My chicks were born the beginning of august and I got eggs right around 24 weeks as well (early january). It can seem like forever until the first egg comes, but it certainly will! How do their combs look?
There is one hen that at 17 weeks I was having trouble at a glance telling the difference between her and my roosters. She is a RIR. All the others combs are looking nice and bright and red, have been for a couple of weeks now, that is why I have been on pins and needles looking for that egg. My Buff Orpingtons combs aren't as red, but that is expected. I knew it might be 24 weeks or so for my Barred Rocks, but I at least thought I would get an early egg out of my RIR's!
In addition to comb reddening, when pullets begin to squat when you approach them - its also a good sign that they are almost ready to lay. Having said that, you have roos and so this may not happen - equally, you say that you have observed mating behaviour and this, similarly indicates that they are almost there.

Good luck

Just wanted to post an update. We got our first egg from these girls yesterday, at 21 weeks and 5 days old! And there was another egg in a different box this morning, so it looks like I might have 2 laying! Thanks for all everyone's encouragement and advice and I am happy to know that, when you hatch chicks in the fall, the shortened days does not delay their laying!

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