Chicks! Chicks! Chicks!


8 Years
Jun 4, 2011
Hatched Saturday evening!

Patty with her little brood. She would have had 5, but sadly, one did not make it

Grace is content with her 1 little one.

Now updated pics of the older babies....

Maxine's youngsters, not so little anymore!

Juliet and her babies!

While Jackie is still waiting!!!

Jackie, Patty and Grace all went broody about the same time. I'm starting to worry that the eggs under Jackie may not be fertilized. Poor thing. Should I put new eggs under her? Will she continue to set for another 21 days?

Nine chicks hatched this thrilling!
Wait a few more days and if the eggs still havent hatched put a few more under her. she will sit there as long as there are eggs gonna hatch. but maybe let her have some food and water before you stick more under her.
Good Luck!

There is nothing like it! Seeing their tiny little heads pop out from under Mom's wing is such a thrill! And then watching them follow her around everywhere. All my broodys so far have been such good Mothers. They really watch out for their little ones. They puff up whenever I try to hold one of the babies, but Grace is the only one who actually gave me a little peck when I tried to hold hers!
Wait a few more days and if the eggs still havent hatched put a few more under her. she will sit there as long as there are eggs gonna hatch. but maybe let her have some food and water before you stick more under her.
Thanks for the advice! I'll do it!
Hooray Jackie!

In the coop this morning....

And then about 10:30 am......


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