Chicks falling out of two story coop, unable to climb up

My understanding is feathered legs are dominant, so if every chick has them I'd think the father does, also.

If the father is non-barred (sounds like he is) and some hens were barred, you'll have sex link chicks from that cross, so any barred chicks you have (white head spot at hatch) are male.

Look forward to seeing pics!
We got nearly four inches of rain today. Four inches yesterday as well. Thus mom is spending a lot of time undercover with her babies. In between the downpours, I was able to take a few pictures from a distance while feeding hens and chicks scratch grains. The babies are realling getting hooked on the scratch grains. Once I am near them, they circle me while peeping at the container in my hand. I also included several hatch pictures as well. I hope everybody enjoy my pictures of hatching chicks the old fashion way.

My first baby chick to hatch











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Oh my word...... I have two 7 week old Barred Rocks and they were sharing a coop with three baby Rhode Island Red's. I'd carefully kept them in a Rubbermaid container elevated with the light - a deluxe chick suite. I was trying to figure out how to introduce them to the big girls.... Well, today, I returned from work to find all three little ones "downstairs" in the coop with the big girls. They had jumped out and navigated the two flights of stairs and were pecking away at the ground!! They seemed unscathed so.... tonight...... they are having a trial in the big coop with their older sisters. It seemed to be a flawless - although somewhat perilous- transition. I hope it goes well! So... I don't know if they can climb up but they sure got down! I would love to have had a video!

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