
11 Years
Dec 8, 2009
Red Dorking - male 2 -LF.jpg
Red Dorking - male 2 -LF.jpg
Day old chicks will be available in the following breeds beginning Jan.2. All chicks are straight run. All chicks are from the same breeding pens that we raise our own showbirds from. Additional pictures and videos of our breeding pens available at
We will ship as few as 12 total chicks. Dorking chicks are $8 each, Black Breda fowl chicks are $15 each, all others are $7 each. You can mix breeds to get the 12 total chicks.

Large fowl breeds available. White & Silver Penciled Rocks, Red Dorking,Black Breda Fowl,Single Comb Rhode Island Red,Rose Comb Rhode Island Red,Buff Orpington.
Bantams: Barred & White Rocks,Dark Brahma,White Rock Frizzles
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Hi, sounds like an interesting mix there.

Are you NPIP certified? How much is your shipping? Will it include heat packs or grow gel? Have you won any shows or ribbons with your exhibition quality birds? Have you shipped before?

Thanks. :)
Thanks to BantyChooks for the endorsement. We are not NPIP.In Pennsylvania we lose our NPIP status when we show and bring our birds home. We do test for Pullorum an AI and can provide those certificates. Shipping for chicks is $15 for up to 50 chicks. Eggs are $15 for the first dozen and $4 for each additional dozen.Eggs are only shipped when they are not needed for chick orders. We provide heat packs on orders of less than 20 or when we feel they are needed. Live delivery of chicks is guaranteed. We have won our share at the largest and smallest shows in the country,except the west coast. We have shipped eggs,chicks,and adults to all parts of the country for over 50 years.

Videos of our breeding pens were added to website last night, but it may be 24-48 hours before they appear

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