chicks fully formed but dead in the shell

I had the same thing happen my first hatch...I thought it was because I didn't have enough air flow and they suffocated. Not sure though. It is just my bast guess.
the shipped delaware eggs were from pullet eggs they were very small eggs. The white rock eggs are not from pullet eggs she has been laying for about 6 or 7 months. We hatched eggs from her back in december and they are doing wonderful. this batch we just got 2 chicks out of 9 eggs the others were dead in the shell at least 5 of them were. oh the other one I had in the rag hatched this morning. I can't see its belly to tell if the navel is out or not.
I'm in the same shape...
I have one that hatched out great on day is now day 20 and nothing.
I am trying to maintain everything the best I can..
I have a broody question though???
Does the hen stay on the nest constantly the last three days of the hatch?
Just wondering because of the temp and humidity increase at the end of incubation.
Here what the one site says.

Symptoms Probable Cause Corrective Measures
Chicks fully formed, but dead without pipping.

Low average humidity Maintain recommended humidity for species of bird incubated.

Improper incubation temperature Check thermometer accuracy and incubator functions.

Follow recommended temperature settings.

Improper ventilation in incubator Adjust ventilation to provide optimum moisture-loss rate from egg during incubation.

Improper turning of eggs Turn eggs at least three times daily until 3 days prior to hatching.

Chilling of eggs Gather eggs frequently and store under proper conditions.

Diseased or poorly conditioned breeder flock Conduct a good disease control and breeder management program. Use a well-balanced nutritional diet.
Man, am I glad I found this post! I just finished my first batch from my year old flock and had a lot of similar issues.
I set 24. 14 Ameracauna/sex-link and 10 silkie/sex-link. I had several good until day 10 and then suddenly 6 silkie eggs 4 Ameracaunas had blood rings. However the rest looked good up until lock-down. Then none of them hatched till day 24-25. 1 silkie egg died in it's shell after internally pipping and 8 Ameracaunas were fully formed but never hatched!
I only found out later that my dad had mistaken the day he set them for me ( I was on a trip when he set them) so they were off by about 3 days. The humidity was around 72-76% the last few days and I think I drowned mine. :p I did end up with 6 fuzzy legged and/or silkie feathered cuties though, so I am glad some made it!
Thanks every one .very helpful.i think it was a temp.problem.when I removed the eegs they didn’t feal all that warm.

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