Chicks hatching from smaller eggs?


8 Years
Mar 25, 2015
I'm thinking about incubating and hatching out some of my Light Brahma eggs. They just started to lay, and when I had one for breakfast, I saw it was fertilized. As aforementioned, they just began to lay, so their eggs are smaller than usual.

Will hatching chicks from smaller eggs result in smaller, weaker chicks, or affect their growth? Thanks for any insight.
Chicks can hatched from pullet eggs, but in the interest of hatching healthy chicks, it is recommended that you wait until eggs have normalized and the birds have been laying for 1-2 months or at least a few weeks before begin hatching.
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I agree. I have hatched from smaller eggs, it produced smaller chicks more deaths and lower hatch rate. I now always incubate my largest eggs.
All right, thanks guys! This is only an experimental hatch from for a couple of broodies since I realized my eggs were fertilized. I'm trying to hatch pure Light Brahmas and a Light Brahma/Barred Rock cross, which I believe will produced Black Sex-linked chicks. Size is the only way I can tell the eggs apart. The Light Brahma eggs aren't drastically smaller than the Barred Rock eggs, so I'll take my chances, since, as aforementioned, this is just a fun experiment.
Have fun :) hatching is a very rewarding experience. My only advice is do expect them to be smaller. Mine were not extremely bad as far as the hens but roosters were noticeably different. When they hatch please post pics
Have fun
hatching is a very rewarding experience. My only advice is do expect them to be smaller. Mine were not extremely bad as far as the hens but roosters were noticeably different. When they hatch please post pics
All right, I will. The Brahma eggs are the smaller one, but I suppose that smaller Brahmas won't hurt since they are pretty big as it is.

According to a genetics calculator, the Light Brahma/Barred Rock chicks will be sex-linked, so I will be excited to see them!
Also chicks tend to hatch sooner when they are in smaller eggs as there is less space.

I'm not sure I fully agree with less time. Bantams lay smaller eggs and they still take 21 days... the only factors I have seen to have a faster hatch is raising the temp a little above 99.9 you can get away with a 101 temp and have them hatch between 19 to day 20 but just because the eggs are smaller the chicken does not run out of room they go to the size of its environment in this case the egg.. hence why smaller eggs produce smaller chickens. But interesting thought
There is absolutely nothing wrong with hatching pullet eggs, and you will NOT get weaker chicks from it, nor smaller birds as adults.

Three years ago I hatched pullet eggs from my Silkies and Delaware. All babies hatched (which was actually 99% hatch rate and fertility) are still alive today, and are average sized birds (banties for the Silkies mixes, standard for the sexlinked from the Delaware). I hatched over 50 chicks from pullet eggs at that time.

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