Chicks hatching from smaller eggs?

I say smaller and weekends birds only based on my experience with hatching and I hatched ALOT for about a year and a half. On average I was hatching 40-80 eggs per month until I got my new incubators then it doubled. So my opinion was only based on opinion. I noticed a huge decrease in my hatch rate when I lost all of my older hens to a dog attack and all I had were smaller eggs. As they got bigger hatch rated increased. I notice more quitters in smaller eggs, more issues with straddle leg and other issues like that. Now different breeds may have different results and I am not against hatching pullet eggs by any means. Just an options based on my experience
Thanks to everyone who replied! The eggs have been incubated for a week so far and are all fertilized. The embryos in the smaller eggs are the same size as those in the regular-sized eggs, so they are darker and took up more space. I'll post some pictures when they hatch.

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