Chicks injured?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 27, 2013
We put one of our 8-9 week-old home-grown chicks down last week because of what appeared to be an injured back. It lost control of both legs and was really helpless. It just flopped around pitifully. It could move them, but not control them or bear weight on them.

Now I just found another one doing the same thing!! Does anyone have a clue what might be happening to them? I thought the first one had just flown out of the coop and landed wrong or something, but this is just too co-incidental to think the same thing has happened. Could it be a genetic problem? I don't think it is an injury from the roo, but I suppose it is possible. We sure don't want to have to mercy kill this one, too!
sounds like Marek's Disease,


Check your flock history. Marek's Disease affects birds as early as 6 months of age.
Symtoms occur most commonly between 6-8 months of age; however, any age bird can become sick, it just becomes less common with age. The incubation period is 2 weeks.

SYMPTOMS INCLUDE: sudden death (fairly common), depression (common), gradual weight loss (fairly common), neck paralysis (not common), paleness (in conjunction with other symtoms), wing paralysis (common), leg paralysis (most common), star-gazing (fairly common), extreme sudden emaciation (rare), mishapen pupil (not common), gray iris (not common), crazy behavior (rare), unresponsive (common), internal tumor growth (not common), tumors on feather follicles (not common), fearful (not common)

I've used this herb to fully cure birds of Marek's Disease. You can find Hypericum at health food stores, $8 for 100 tablets. Hypericum must be diluted before it can be used:

- 1 tablespoon of DISTILLED water per tablet Hypericum (must be distilled water, tap water is ionized and will deactivate the Hypericum)
- MUST be mixed in a GLASS or PLASTIC bowl (metal with react with the water and herb)
- drip 5-10 drops (bantam) or 10-15 drops (large fowl) on the afflicted bird's tongue. Be sure the bird rubs its beak together because the Hypericum MUST touch the sinuses (located on the roof of the mouth) in order to work
- treat every 12 hours (morning and night) with a fresh batch
- recovery may be as quick as 1 day or as slow as several months

The treatment works best if you begin treating early. If you delay treatment, the Hypericum may not work or it may be a very slow recovery. IF YOU OVERDOSE YOUR BIRDS ON HYPERICUM, don't worry. The bird will exhibit extreme symptoms, and make a drastic improvment within a 24 hours. Hypericum is also helpful for pain. Only treat birds that are showing symptoms.

Best of luck!
Yes, I am sure you are right. I did some research and discovered this disease. Another of the chicks has symptoms now, too. Yours is the first ray of hope given. I will go out tomorrow and try your remedy. We also have 3 lovely hens from a hatchery who are about the same age. They are in a separate area of the chicken yard, and it has been so wet here that there isn't much dust at all, so I really hope they will not be infected! Knowing nothing about raising chickens, when they asked if we wanted them vaccinated, I did not get the impression that they would need it, since they aren't going to be going out to any shows or anything. I wish they had encouraged me to do it anyway!

How can we best treat the area? We will clean out all of the chips from the coop and yard, but should we treat it with clorox and water? Or would that be dangerous for the chickens? I sure hope our older chickens will be okay!
Thank you so much for your reply.
to clean use 1 part bleach for every 10 parts water let dry burn all bedding dis infect everyone's feed and water dishes when feeding always go to your healthy birds first then was your shoes in a bleach solution before going to the next birds. I know it sounds like a lot but its worth it. also give all your bird some electrolytes in there water Best of luck feel free to pm me with any questions
Thank you very much. Such a sad day...3 of our 4 homegrown chicks are gone and I suppose the last one will get it too.

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