Chicks not hatching


7 Years
Jan 15, 2013
Central Coast, Australia
After 21 days only one chick has hatched under my broody hen. It Is now day 23 and there are still four eggs that haven't hatched. I'm worried that the mother may abandon them soon to look after her chick. If the mother does leave the eggs, what could I do to help hatch them without an incubator?
The other eggs might not be any good
I did the float test and two eggs weren't fertile to begin with. The other two floated on their side indicating there was a chick inside. Does that mean they are alive though?
Any luck? When you float them, you'll want to wait for the egg to settle in the water, then look for movement. It should bob a little.

I've hatched eggs in a make shift "incubator". Which was an aluminum foil lined cardboard box with a heat lamp and dish of water.

Good luck.

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