Chicks not roosting in coop at night


May 31, 2018
My chicks are 5 weeks old and this past week we moved them out into their coop for majority of the time. Every night that they’ve spent in the coop I’ve had to go out and move them into the housed part of the coop because they’re all gathering in a corner of the run to sleep. My concern was that we have a street light that stays on at night and keeps the coop lit up. I wasn’t sure if this was confusing them but they’re all gathering to sleep so they know it’s time to sleep. Is this something I should expect them to figure out with time? I’m a new chicken mama so I’m not sure what to expect!
Like in the enclosed house part without access to the run? I lock them in there at night but then open it up in the mornings where they have access to the run.
Okay! I thought they’d figure it out by now but I’m just gonna keep trying! I just wanted to be sure no one thought it was related to the light.
I have babies that are a couple of weeks older, and they sleep outside in a corner pretty much every night. They stay in a group and keep each other warm. Our nights get down into the upper 30s. I’ve not had any issues with it.

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