Chicks panting in bator- what to do?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 12, 2009
I have 5 hatched out chicks in the bator. The earliest one hatched 8-10 hrs. ago and the latest hatched 1 hr ago. Other eggs pipping. Humidity at 82%. The dry ones are panting! Are they too hot, should I get them out to the brooder? Do I risk the rest of the hatch??? Help! OH- and it's a homemade bator...I can't turn down the temp from the outside, but the temp has been good (for hatching) so's staying right around 100.
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Someone asked about this this morning, check their post ("chicks panting"), last answer was about 10:27 this morning
At least one of mine was panting this morning. I decided the incubator was too hot and turned it down a little. He/she stopped panting and I have more chicks now and none are panting, all still in the incubator.
That's what I did....the humidity is so high in my bator that the window is fogged up, so, I figured it wouldn't hurt. Plus, since it's homemade, it's deep and holds the heat and humidity when you open it. Neither dropped at all in the time it took me to get them out. They're happily napping in the brooder and another one in the bator has zipped and is ready to push out! This is so much the fun part!

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