Chicks pooping blood!!! Help! (Pics)

I'm sooooooo sorry to hear this. I would be VERY upset too!
I paid extra money for the vaccines and for some rare breeds. Kepp us updated on what happens.
Egads! More blood just isn't good.
They should have been getting better by now.
Those poor little fuzzy butts. I think the hatchery opens at 7 my time so 8 your time. I hope you don't loose any of them. I know it darn near wrenched my heart out taking those little bodies out.
Keep us posted as to the results. Are you using both the coccidiostat and the medicated feed?
I'm not sure about using both the medicated feed and the coccidiostat at the same time. I think it could be too much for their little bodies.
Just be careful not to over do it.
There was no manager when I called (Of course) so I am waiting for one to call me back.
20% corid powder should be 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water for 5 days but you can cut that in half after the 5 days(or use medicated feed) and do it a bit longer to be sure everyone is OK. Vitamin A & K also help by clotting the blood so they don't bleed so easy. They should not be on medicated feed while taking the Corid or regular Vitamins that have thiamin in them. The A & K vitamins are available at Cutler Pheasant supplies on line. good luck with your little ones. Bleach strips the outside of the Ocyst but doesn't kill it, if I remember right not much does other than heat and maybe lots of soap.

So what's the word? What did the hatchery say? BTW I was guaranteed that 90% of my replacement order would be pullets. They will not intentionally send me little roos. I can only hope that all of them are girlies, but mistakes happen. I hope your babies are getting better.
Keep up the good mothering.
It's perfectly fine to use the medicated feed with the Corid in the water- the feed has such a scant amount in it that they won't be overmedicated- there is excellent documentation on how much is too much, and you won't be anywhere near that threshold. It's important to note that Amprolium is not like most medications in that it simply blocks the organism from utilizing Thiamin. This is not at all a major issue for the duration the chicks will be on it (5 to 10 days) at full dose, but it's enough to cause the life cycle of the oocysts to be fully interrupted and the population will dwindle dramatically, giving the chicks a chance to repair their guts and recover from the damage.

The bedding should be changed often, but it sounds like you do that already.

It may help to give them something like BabyCakes from Tractor Supply (C&S is the brand) for a nutritional boost and probiotic supplementation. I would certainly be giving them that or putting baby parrot formula powder on their feed. Also, live culture yogurt should help a lot, as it will foster the healthy flora in their intestinal tract.

I would avoid Sulmet since you have Corid- I only recommend it as a last resort to those who can't find Corid- it's MUCH harder on their systems as it's a true antibiotic, and a pretty harsh one, at that. It will kill off any remaining good flora, and you'll have a harder time bringing them back to good health. Corid is much better on its own.
I would do the medicated feed and Corid simultaneously. The medicated feed has so little in it that chicks can get coccidiosis while being fed the feed. I personally have accidently given too much Corid based on reading the wrong info. on internet and nothing bad happened.

Sulmet is considered harsher on their systems according to what I have read here on BYC, but is a good treatment when Corid isn't available.

I had to retreat my flock immediately for a second round of Corid when they had coccidiosis (I knew because the bloody poo came back after a couple of days). I ended up losing one chicken the day after starting the first round. It cured them the second time around.

I have never used vaccines on my sorry to hear it didn't take.

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