Chicks shipped


7 Years
Apr 4, 2012
Southeastern, Ohio
Today my order from Meyer shipped. All of a sudden very nervous and anxious. Praying that they all arrive happy and healthy!! I am hoping they will be here in the morning. Meyer Hatchery is only a 2-3 hour drive from me. Brooder is ready & warm, and 3 electrolyte packs are waiting to be mixed. Wishing the little ones luck!
The biggest reason for me choosing Meyer was because I wanted to find the closest hatchery to me for shipping reasons. My tracking number is saying that the estimated delivery is on the 13th, but i'm still crossing my fingers for tomorrow morning. Can't wait to meet them! :)
So excited for you and can't wait to see pics!! Hope they arrive tomorrow
So good news is - The 'Estimated delivery date for 2-13' turned into 'Expected delivery date of 2-12'! I don't know if i'll be able to sleep tonight due to excitement!!!
That's why I ordered from them too. I'm in PA so I was hoping for safe/fast delivery!!
Since you are up and pacing the floors... What did you get and how many and have you ordered from them before??
This is my first time ordering chickens, I think that's why i'm so antsy.
I put in a decent sized order of 30.
I really like surprises, so I got the all pullet rainbow pack (25 chicks) Excited to watch them grow and figure out what they all are. I love a variety of eggs too so I figured the rainbow pack would be perfect.
I also ordered 3 blue silkies, 1 easter egger (Im pretty sure some easter eggers will come in the pack, but just incase there isn't, i'll atleast have one green egg) and 1 silver laced wyandotte. I think wyandottes are beautiful so I had to have one :)

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