Chicks sleeping by coop door?

Willow's Meadow

9 Years
Apr 16, 2010
Every night my chicks all pile up and sleep right near the coop door. I leave a dim light on for them in the barn that is not to bright because I thought they were scared of the dark. They are 7 weeks old. Why do they all sleep by the door? The go on the roosts during the daytime but not at night. What can I do to get them to stop piling on top of each other by the door at night? Why do they do this?
Because that is just what chooks do! trust me, they will start roosting soon. we have raised countless chicks and they all do the same.
I know what you mean! My 8 week old chooks, just moved into a beautiful 8'x12' coop with roosts galore and they heap together in the corner by the waterer.

My 10 week olds in the other coop still insist on all cramming into the nesting boxes to sleep at night.
I keep telling them they need to leave the little chick bed and come sleep on the big chicken bed but they still ignore me. I move them at night to the perches sometimes.
Should I leave the light on? If I don't leave it on its pitch black in the coop. Should I put a night light in there? Altough we do have a window but its boarded up.....maybe I should just take the board off. LOL

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