Chicks sneezing? Bullied or getting feathers in?

Apr 26, 2023
I am easing chicks for the first time (well we tried when I was about 8years old and a weasel got them so I’m determined to do everything right) my babies are 2 week old chicks and have gotten rambunctious. I moved them to my basement so I could upgrade their brooder space. I noticed after I sit with them and feed them wet food/treats two of them sneeze and all of them rub their beaks on the ground. I saw someone say the rubbing is them wiping their mouth or scent and the sneezing could be from them eating really fast but I’m worried that it’s from my basement or they are getting sick. I tried cleaning my basement and have a de-humidifier and air filter running but I’m sure the air quality isn’t great. Should I give them vetRx in case? How much if so?

Also chickpea is my baby that I thought was getting bullied when she was a week old. I used the forums advice to deal with the bully and they all have all been getting along well. But today I see this patch on her neck and I’m wondering if this is where her feathers are coming in or did someone peck out her down? You can only see it when she moved her head a certain way
That's just a very full crop stretched to its fullest.
Thanks! Should I not let them eat as much at one time? It’s moistened food. Could they aspirate if they eat too much, I thought you didn’t need to limit food cause they would stop eating if full. I’ll definitely make sure to stop handfeeding if I see a sneeze

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