Chicks sneezing

Andrea K

In the Brooder
Aug 21, 2017
So I noticed last night that almost all of my chicks are sneezing and quite frequently but other than that they are fine. A couple even when they sneeze make a loud squeal then go about eating and drinking and flapping their wings. I did introduce new chicks after a quarantine period and the chicks were not sneezing when I brought them home. My chicks have never sneezed either before. I am thinking that it could be the fact I swept out the garage yesterday where their brooders are which was dusty and full of their food, feces, and dust and it was right underneath their brooder. I also can't help but wonder if the three chicks I have lost two before the new chicks and one after have anything to do with it. The one cochin chick was just weak and I don't think she was able to get to the food and water like the rest of them she wasn't sneezing and wasn't lethargic for days I just went out one morning to find her laying still and closing eyes tightly then I comforted her and tried to get her to drink some sugar water but I guess she was too far gone and died. I had a polish chick just randomly die out of the blue but he looked like maybe he had been trampled his body was flat and crumpled on the floor of the brooder, the crevoquer died as well but exhibited the same signs as the cochin chick neither were sneezing or weezing. I did notice this morning when putting food in their feeder that one of the orpington chicks that is new was making a gurgling noise when breathing through nostrils but other than the sneezing and gurgling noise this morning they eat, drink, and act normal. No discharge from eyes or nose, no runny poop, no lethargy, no bloody poop, no neurological issues, nothing. I want to say it is just the sweeping of the garage and they will get over it but I wanted to check with you guys on here and make sure this isn't something more serious that I am brushing off. I really don't want to cull or get rid of any of my chickens I have put a lot of time, money, and energy and even clean their cage every day to make sure they don't pile up the poop in their cage. I check the temperature everyday to make sure its correct, I even put the vinegar and garlic in the water and I have given them probiotic grit in their food as well as the water. I want so badly for this to just be agitation and know they will get over it but again I'm a worry wart and needed confirmation I am not just letting something go that could be fatal.
How old are your chicks? They have URI, Upper Respiratory Infection. Dust will cause them to sneeze, then they stop. However, gurgling noise is indicative of URI. I went through a similar scenario with 3, 4 to 6 week old additions to my flock. Luckily I noticed this during their 2 week quarantine. When they are just sneezing you can treat with Vet Rx, a dab under wing pits at night and under eye area, nostril area too. Once the lungs are involved you must treat all the chicks. I used Denagard 12.5 %, 1 tsp. per gallon water for 10 days. By day 3, sneeze and chest rattle had improved greatly. By day 5, they had no symptoms! Denagard is expensive, but worth the cost if it works. It also has a nasty bitter taste, so you have to add apple juice concentrate for the chicks to accept it. You can order it on Amazon, pay to have it next day. Until it arrives, put a humidifier next to the brooder. Use Vet Rx if you have some.
How old are your chicks? They have URI, Upper Respiratory Infection. Dust will cause them to sneeze, then they stop. However, gurgling noise is indicative of URI. I went through a similar scenario with 3, 4 to 6 week old additions to my flock. Luckily I noticed this during their 2 week quarantine. When they are just sneezing you can treat with Vet Rx, a dab under wing pits at night and under eye area, nostril area too. Once the lungs are involved you must treat all the chicks. I used Denagard 12.5 %, 1 tsp. per gallon water for 10 days. By day 3, sneeze and chest rattle had improved greatly. By day 5, they had no symptoms! Denagard is expensive, but worth the cost if it works. It also has a nasty bitter taste, so you have to add apple juice concentrate for the chicks to accept it. You can order it on Amazon, pay to have it next day. Until it arrives, put a humidifier next to the brooder. Use Vet Rx if you have some.
Do you think it is something I could find in a feed store or farm store we have three different stores here I just feel so bad for them I would like to start treating them stat. And will the humidifier need to be warm water so it doesn't chill them? They are between 2 weeks-5 weeks. The additions are 5-6 weeks old all orpingtons all came from the same place and were not sneezing when I had them in the quarantine area so I am so sad I will make sure next time to quarantine longer is this something that will be infected for the rest of their lives? or will they be cured once treated?
You may find it at a farm store near you. I would start making some calls. It is commonly used for pigs, but works well for chickens too. Tepid water is fine in the humidifier, their heat lamp will warm things up. I know how you feel, I was so desperate to help my chicks get well. Yes, they will be cured once treated with the right med. Having said will always need to keep an eye on the chickens. They are living a tuff life - everything wants to eat them, from bacteria to predators. But, if you keep them well fed, in a safe as can be home, they will be fine. If you can't find the Denagard at a farm store you will have to order it online. I am in Southern California, I would give some to you if you were near by. Let know how things go for them.

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