Chicks turn or don’t turn into hatch position.


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 18, 2011
Chicks turn or don’t turn into hatch position.
I seem to get a lot of chicks that try to hatch out upside down. Most of them make a piercing in the shell and if I get to them in time, I help them out and things usually turn out well.
Chicks grow upside down right? And then turn “head up” for hatching? So does this mean that mine aren’t turning or am I worn g here? And if their not turning is this related to insufficient fluid loss?
yes they turn the ajor reason for not turning is weakness that is due to low tempurature
I think ur temp is low ask an egg spert he might be more help full but im sharing my thoughts ;)
Incorrect humidity and inadequate moisture loss and air cell development can play a part, yes. But there are other possible causes:

- If the eggs were set incorrectly, with the pointy end of the egg higher than the fat end.
- Inadequate turning and turning angle of the eggs especially during the first 2 weeks of incubation.
- Nutritional deficiencies in the breeder flock's diet.
- Lower than recommended temperatures in the last stage of incubation.
- There is a higher incidence of malpositions in eggs from older hens.

Hope this helps!

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