Chicks weaning


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 27, 2014
My lovebird chicks are 9 weeks old and aren't fully weaned. I have been giving them pellets and they eat that but still need the formula. They would much rather eat seeds then pellets but seeds aren't the healthiest for them as their main diet. Is there a way to wean them faster?! Should I give them seeds instead? And do I need to separate the chicks when they get older? Please help.
Ive been breeding/raising parrots for 17 years. Take the seed out completely except for millet sprays. That is a good weaning food. Sometimes the chicks hang on got a "comfort feeding". They really dont need it but they want it. Do not take that away from them. They will wean on their own time. Im currently hand feeding 14 chicks. I never force wean my babies. They will tell you when its time to stop the formula. Keep offering them pellets at all times and try to expose them to as many fresh food as possible (veggies, fruits, birdie bread etc.)

If you want the chicks to remain tame, Id separate them into different cages. If allowed to stay together they will bond with each other and not to you. Give them as much one on one time as possible. Good luck with your babies.

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