chicks with possible eye infections

May 22, 2024
I have 2 chicks about 3 weeks old that seem to have an eye issue in both or their eyes. I have had many chicks before these and never seen this before. I will attach a picture of what it looks like from google, I don't have a picture of the actual chick. Can anyone tell me what this might be and how to treat it? Side note: I bought 6 chicks together, we lost two in the first week and the other two of the four left are perfectly fine, no issues. The two with the issue are Polish and Maran. Eating and drinking fine, no sneezing or anything.


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Is the brooder in your home or elsewhere?

Regardless, it could be the bedding or something environmental causing irritation. I'd rinse their eyes with sterile saline solution and see if you can determine what is causing it. That might help soothe their eyes.

They are pretty young to be getting eye infections, but if you think that's what they have, I'd put some Terramycin in their eyes twice a day. Try just rinsing them though first and see if that improves the issue.
Thank you. The brooder is in my house, I change their bedding weekly, and I use pine shavings. These are the first chicks I have bought from a farm rather than tractor supply, but I didn't see any issues with the conditions of the farm or anything.

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