Chihuahua Haters


13 Years
Oct 24, 2009
Whats wrong with some people!!! I have come up against some unexpected prejudice from random people to my new dog.

I have a small mix breed dog for a few years and now I just go a chihuahua.

This week I have had several incidents of people that seem to hate my chihuahua for no reason. Now I am getting to the stage I don't want to take her out anymore.

The first time was when I went to my local shop. I was fastening the chihuahuas lead to the 'dog stop' outside the shop when one man comes out and suddenly lunges towards the dog, stamps his foot hard right in front of her, and makes a loud shout. My dog runs behind me and lays on her back and is shaking. The man just walks away like he did nothing.

The second time I was walking her in my street when a neighbour suddenly rushes to her gate and starts laughing and saying why I have bought a rat and I need a real dog like hers. Her dog is vicious and has attacked my other dog. Then to my shock she opens her gate and lets her dog out........which runs towards us and stands over my dog (who again rolls onto her back). I see the neighbours dog is snarling and all the hair on its back is standing up.....I reach for my dog slowly and her dog snaps at me and jumps up, cutting my arm with one of its claw. The neighbour just calls the dog back......but why on earth did she let it out to start with!?

The most recent thing was when I went to meet my friends at a small bar. Some guy starts telling me my dog is ugly and looks like rat, bat, etc and saying how he hates little dogs.......he was saying it in front of everyone, and my dog was just sleeping on the floor under my feet. I got so fed up a went home.

What is this attitude towards small dogs? My dog is very well trained. I treat her like a regular dog.......she does not nip, bark at people, she is great with babies, kids, other dogs, she walks to heel and is friendly and outgoing with other people.....not timid or snappy.

I am not a chihuahua hater but they are low on my list of dogs. I am a fan of larger dogs myself. Simply a preference. I find many small dogs to be yappy, snippy, and annoying. I find that many owners allow small dogs to have very bad manners because they think it is "cute." That said, a well-bahaved, non-yappy small dog would still get positive attention from me and I can't stand any owner who encourages bad behavior in their dog.
I love chihuahuas. I don't think many of the small dogs I know are snippy, yappy or annoying. I may be just the individual dogs I know and I am sure some are. I just don't think it's fair to label them all the same. They are real dogs in every way. They have small size but big hearts. I was very sick for over a year ad often hospitalized . The love and affection from my Shih Tzu, and Bichon Frise and little mix Pom were a big help and comfort to me. They helped me keep fighting , made me get up when I didn't think I could and made me laugh many times. I will admit to treating my dogs like my babies. They are spoiled, but not obnoxious or annoying. They make me happy and that's what matters. They are never mean to anyone . They have very friendly personalities to all people.
They can be protective I found. My Bichon came running like white lightning when a Neighbors Dobe charged at me. She raced around the Dobe snarling and biting so fast the Dobe was stunned and didn't know what was attacking her. I worried she would get killed by the Dobe but the Dobe ended up running home. The Dobe is usually never loose so I imagine she had gotten loose by accident . My dogs are small, but have all shown courage many times when needed ,like when a man at a turkey hill reached into my car window I think to grab my purse and 4 little dogs got him. He called them bad names but I was happy with them. Except on such occasions they are gentle , friendly and polite. My mix is chihuahua and Pomeranian. I know purebred chihuahuas and many of them are great dogs. A few are snippy, but I love the breed. I'm a fan of all toy dogs, chihuahuas included. I know many people who have enjoyed the love and companionship of their chihuahuas and that's what's important. I also find many people very rude and nasty about my toy dogs. They should be as nice as my dogs.
Many people have bad attitudes towards little dogs because they have had a bad experience with them or have a negative stereotype in their minds. I've know plenty of little devil chihuahuas and poms that barked neurotically and snapped at hands and ankles, BUT I have also known a handful of very well behaved and happy small dogs so I don't have a prejudice.

I doubt the lady with the big dog was trying to start trouble she just wasn't using her brain and is an example of people with bad stereotype towards small dogs and a positive one towards bigger dogs. I wouldn't take it personally but I would avoid her when out with you dog from now on.

The guy at the groomers shop was being a jerk, but then sometimes people act like jerks. :/

The fact of the matter is that your dog is a Chihuahua, the poster child for small yappy snippy dogs. Just like pit bulls are the poster child for big aggressive dogs. Your dog isn't yappy and annoying but when people first meet him they are going to react to him like he is because they don't know your individual dog. Your job as a chihuahua owner is to help people get to know your dog and see that he is well behaved and friendly.

Something very important I thought I would add, it sounds like your dog isn't getting much chance to have good experiences with other dogs and people. See if you can arrange some play dates and met ups with people who are ready with lots of yummy treats and dogs more his size that are friendly. That way he learns he can expect good things from new experiences too. :)

Something I read in Ceaser Millan book is that when you coddle or baby talk a dog after or during a bad experience it makes the dog think what happened was worse than it really is. Always keep a calm head and a calm demeanor, this will help him learn to deal with these things without getting overly excited or anxious. (not saying you coddle or baby talked him after any of this, it was just something I thought of and wanted to mention)

P.S He is a very handsome little guy
I love his expression in that picture. <3
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My daughter has a little longhaired Chihuahua and he is the sweetest dog there ever was...Probably any breed there will be people that don't care for them. I adore my Pug but have had many people say how much they dislike them...
Well I have decided not to be so sensitive to other people (especially people I don't know).

We have been out and about more.......and also she had got to play with a friends puppy of a similar age, and my other friends 3 dogs.

She is still very well behaved........especially with other mix breed dog is a bit stand offish with kids, but the new puppy is very gently and likes to play with them......and give them kisses!!!

I think I chose the right dog......she is quite submissive and will roll onto her back for a tummy rub, rather than jumping up all over someone.

Stuff people who say they don't like my dog,,,,,,,,,or any of my pets..........when they don't even know them.
There's no reason for them to hate your dog, so you wonder, why do they do it? After all, what has your dog done to them? Your dog is very cute, there is no need for people to harass your dog if it is a well behaved one.
People would always say my chihuahua was ugly. His under bite with teeth sticking out his mouth didn't help. I would just say yeah, he's so ugly he's cute! Although I know there are some who are perfectly fine dogs I would never get another bc of my experience with mine. He's 11.5 years old and I've had him since he was a few weeks old. He was very well socialized with people and dogs and still was just so mean. And he's gotten worse as he ages. We even tried doggy anxiety meds and those made him worse too. Lol Oh well.
Your dog is adorable! A well raised Chi can be a sweet and loving pet. Unfortunately, most Chihuahua's I've met have been nasty, snarly, insecure, biting little snots. And it is all their owner's fault. I have met a couple of sweeties that break that trend, thankfully.

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