Child At Heart, Monster By Nature (A Shape Shifting RP)

Atalanta raised an eyebrow, skeptical of this loose logic. "Um. Okay? I'll leave you to think on that, then," she said, turning to leave.
• • •
Ares narrowed his eyes as he thought for a moment. "Nope. Haven't seen him. Or you, until now, for that matter," he said, shrugging lightly. "But hey, I'm actually searching for someone else right now, care to walk with me? We might find them together." He was calculating wolf against tiger in his head, and even thought the odds didn't leave much room for wolf on top, he had to at least see what he could find.

Dryden rolled his eyes and turned to leave himself. He had to go find something else to do, now.
Luca shrugged. "I guess. If you have a scent, I can track this person in wolf form. Ryder masks his scent otherwise I would've found him already." he said, twitching his shoulder back slightly.
Ryker continued to lend silent support to his son as the got on the elevator to go up to the main floor.
(Where is Amaryllis? She could be at Anuerin's other side. ;) )
Pushing aside her fears of upsetting Anuerin, Amaryllis rushed out of the laboratory, where she had been staying out of the way, and caught up with Anuerin and Ryker as they came to the elevator. Smiling to Ryker as she entered she moved behind Anuerin and lifted up his wings since he wasn't strong enough to keep them from dragging on the ground. She was amazed by how huge his wings were, struggling to carry their weight, but was glad to assist Anuerin who was so tired she doubted he was aware of her presence.

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