Child At Heart, Monster By Nature (A Shape Shifting RP)

Ellie grinned and laughed, "well its a good look, totally fits you." She replied showing her much, much less impressive canines with a grin. No her strengths lie elsewhere for sure. Some even she was still finding out about.


Lyra smiled at Zaine red face, "it was a compliment just accept it. And thank you, I think it came out quite well." She said examining it again as Alexis jumped off her lap and shifted. Lyra smiled pleasantly at the girl, "fair enough, not everyone likes sitting still for so long. My name is Lyra by the way." She said with a friendly smile since they hadn't really been introduced.
"Thank you, thank you very much," Samantha said, bowing her head slightly. She pulled a bag of peanuts towards herself and flipped it between her fingers as she looked back up at Ellie. "You ought to try it sometime; works wonders," she said, with a wink.
• • •
Zaine meant to say "thanks", but it came out more of a barely decipherable mumble.

Alexis sat down on the bed beside so she could look Lyra in the face more easily. "And mine, last time I checked, is Alexis," she said. "Good to know your name. Your drawing is really good." The effort it took to sound chipper only made her sound flat and uninterested. Whatever. Maybe she was flat and uninterested. Here was Zaine—of all people—sitting with his lovely lady friend, and she was the one third wheeling.

Zaine couldn't decide if that was a fake smile that she gave them, but under circumstances, he let it slide. At least she was talking.
Amara looked at Casey before she nodded, "I will do my best, I have a little more anxiety around crowds then a lot of the people around here. That's part of why I wanted to ask about a garden I was living in the woods before being brought here. And I also kind of broke a window in one of the halls in a panic trying to get some fresh air." She added nervously hoping she wouldn't be mad at her.

Casey reached over to Amara to hold her hand gently. He nodded as he looked at Emily. "We will. Even if he has to make a fence around it, having an outside place to go to would calm the animals in us."
"Thank You," Emily said, sincerely meaning it. With all the chaos today, their compliance touched her heart. There was hope for these kids yet! "I'll have someone fix the window, no need to worry about that, then I'll get to work on seeing what can be done byway if a garden. Is there anything else you'd like to address while I'm here? I'm open to any and all suggestions."
(Heads up, Dryden must be accepted first. Also, I replied to yur last post with one of my character's ;)
Some things that you can't really tell from the opening post: school kids can't access outside by any main doors since they're locked and only specific staff have the keys. Lab and school are pretty much on opposite sides of the world. Feel free to ask if you have any questions about things; I know it can be confusing this far along in an RP, but I'm happy to help.)

Okay, sorry, and yes.//
Name: Dryden Ronan
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Animal Type: wolf
Personality: serious, and evil. He wants to dominate everything and be the ruler of the world.
History: He was born alongside his triplet brothers, Luca and Ryder. He was always the evil one, no matter what. His parents threw him out at 12, but kept Luca and Ryder. So, he wants to get revenge on Luca and Ryder as well as his parents.
Animal Strengths: His teeth. His teeth are extra sharp and he has 8 total canines.
Animal Features: He's a large, solid black wolf with all black eyes, earning him the nickname Nightmare.
Appearance: Tall and slim, black hair, dark brown eyes.

Name:Luca Ronan
Animal Type:Wolf
History:Came from a small town in Kentucky,has two triplet brothers called Ryder who goes to the school, and Dryden who is in the laboratories, and are identical in both forms except for their eyes. Luca is the older one by 5 minutes, they are best friends
Human Appearance: Tall,brunette hair,brown eyes in both forms, very handsome
Animal Appearance: A large black wolf with yellow-brown eyes
Username: RacehorsesRock
Other: Appearance: View attachment 1097349 View attachment 1097352

Name: Ryder Ronan
Gender: Male
Animal Type: Wolf
Personality: Kind, gives off an aura of power, strong, isn`t very sensitive, tough, most popular but he doesn`t let it get to his head and he isn`t a bully
History: Was captured from a small town in Kentucky, and that`s all he remembers, although his twin brother Luca does go to the school. His other brother (they are triplets) is in the laboratories.
Human Appearance: Tall, brunette hair, a bit tan, blue eyes, very handsome
Animal Appearance: A large black wolf, with no white markings anywhere, and also his fur is very soft
Username: RacehorsesRock
Other: Appearance: View attachment 1097347 View attachment 1097347 View attachment 1097348
(can you repost their forms?)

Ares was still sniffing out the trail leading from where Dimitri had lain. Someone had come by with cleaning supplies since then and for the most part he was just getting big sniff-fuls of Windex. Great, just great. Pity there wasn't a bloodhound here. They'd do a heck of a lot better than his little leopard, he thought dismally. Jerking his head up, he padded off down the hall, following what he hoped was the attacker's scent.

Also @silkiecuddles where did you reply?//
(i tagged you in it, and you even quoted my tag :lol: Reposted again above. Ares is wandering the halls in leopard form. Have at it.)
"Thank You," Emily said, sincerely meaning it. With all the chaos today, their compliance touched her heart. There was hope for these kids yet! "I'll have someone fix the window, no need to worry about that, then I'll get to work on seeing what can be done byway if a garden. Is there anything else you'd like to address while I'm here? I'm open to any and all suggestions."
Casey nodded again "We don't want to make it harder for anyone, we really do believe being outside, even confined would be beneficial. That's even been proven true for humans without enhancements like ours. Gardens and pets" He said the last with a chuckle. They didn't need the pets, they were the pets. "The only other thing would be activities, group activities to bring us together. Game nights, movie nights, things like that to help us feel more like a family instead of separate beings."
Luca smelled a cat of some kind as he wondered through the halls in his wolf form. He kept following the scent, hoping to find anyone to be at least friends with.

Ryder sighed as he ate his apple, wondering what Luca was doing.

Dryden walked around, looking for someone to talk with in the lonely labs, for him anyway.

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