Child At Heart, Monster By Nature (A Shape Shifting RP)

"You don't even know me," Atalanta said matter-of-factly. "Therefore you haven't got much to go on to determine whether you like me or not."
• • •
"See, that wasn't so hard," Ares said, smirking. "What's his name? Description? Maybe I've seen him."
"And? Kinda like love at first sight, only you like someone, as a friend, at first sight!" he said, smiling slightly.
"His name is Ryder." Luca laughed slightly. "He's identical to me except he has blue eyes, same in wolf form. He might be in wolf form." Luca said.
(Your welcome, I know how it is. I still get upset even though its been many years when I go through my mothers things. I wish I could say it gets easier. So big hugs, and I know we don't know each other in person or anything but I am always open to you if you need to talk. )
(Thanks again, I appreciate your friendship. :hugs )
Saskia popped the lock and then stood and handed the lock picks back to Madison. "I said bears in the wild have butt plugs not me. As for the scarf I will concede that your right, it does look better on you anyways." She said with a dramatic roll of her eyes and a grin. She looked at Eirik and returned his smile.

"Good because if you did I would chase you down. Trust me, I am a good tracker, so I doubt you'd get far." She said with humor as she looked him up and down once more for good measure. Mostly she was enjoying the view but she was also looking to see if there was anything out of the ordinary that might make her life harder if he should run.
"Well, I bet you regret imparting that knowledge randomly now. " Madison said with humor as she took her lock picks and put them back in her back pocket.

Eirik tipped his head with intrigue. "Oh, in that case, perhaps I'll run from you just a little bit to keep things interesting. Even though Tasmanian devils really don't run from anything. They share the honey badger and wolverine temperaments." He said with absolute truth.

"Brag much?" Madison grunted under her breath.
"Well, I bet you regret imparting that knowledge randomly now. " Madison said with humor as she took her lock picks and put them back in her back pocket.

Eirik tipped his head with intrigue. "Oh, in that case, perhaps I'll run from you just a little bit to keep things interesting. Even though Tasmanian devils really don't run from anything. They share the honey badger and wolverine temperaments." He said with absolute truth.

"Brag much?" Madison grunted under her breath.
Claire studied the three people before her, taking in any weapons they could use against her immediately. She thanked nonchalantly "Thank you, whoever let me out." She looked at Eirik, before reminding "I owe you, thanks."
Layla laughed and swept her hand over the plate letting him know he could take what he wanted. "Of course I will share, you shared your snacks least I could do is return the favor. I would recommend pairing that cheese with that meat, it will go well with the spiciness of the pork rinds." She said pointing to each thing in turn as she rolled some cheese up in some meat and took a bite.


Eliana sighed as she moved away slightly so she could stretch out on the grass as she gazed across the sea. "Do you not like the hot and sun? I suppose if you lived in a place like this for sometime maybe a change in weather might be nice." She mused as she wrapped little blades of grass around her finger then cut it with her nails, then let it fall to the ground. Perhaps she could be a lawn mower with these nails of hers, she thought. She snorted thinking about that for a moment before she looked back at Alastor. "Do you know what I was supposed to turn out like? What 'gifts' I am supposed to have?" She asked curiously.


Adrian gathered up the remains of the pizza to follow her into the kitchen. "Good thinking, then I wouldn't have to double the batch for the dough. You might not want to kiss me though after all that garlic. So while it would repel vampires it might also give me some terrible breath." He added with a laugh.
Vasper looked to Layla with a frown but soon smiled. "You say that very well. Almost like on the food network. They're always spouting off stuff like that." He said with humor. He took a slice of meat and some cheese to stack on a really powder encrusted pork rinds. He looked at is a moment before he popped it into his mouth. He hummed with appreciation at the flavor profile as it melded together perfectly. He nodded and gave a thumbs up.
Alastor felt a sense of loss as Eliana moved away, but didn't acknowledge it much further then the thought took to pass through him mind. At he question, he said, " It's not the heat or the sun that bothers me. It's usually the humidity that is unbearable in tropical climates. That or the insects. "
" Curse my lack of foresight. How can I suggest such a thing and miss you kneading twice the batch of dough." Willow purred as she held the door open with her back as she looked back at Adrian with a smoldering look. " And for the record, if we're both eating garlic, I think we would hardly notice each others bad breath." She said with a wink.
Claire studied the three people before her, taking in any weapons they could use against her immediately. She thanked nonchalantly "Thank you, whoever let me out." She looked at Eirik, before reminding "I owe you, thanks."
Eirik chuckled and pointed to Saskia. "She's the debt collector. She has the magic hands. Mine's only good for bludgeoning things to death." He said with humor.
Donella nodded and smiled "Yeah, that was some good pizza." She said then frowned a little "I wonder where my room mate is?" She was getting worried for the other female.
Nova flushed, but didn't say anything against that 'title'. "I had to see for myself that you were alright." She said honestly. She had had to see him to either make sure he had made it or give herself the excuse to leave
Andorra nodded and admitted, "I enjoyed the companionship and camaraderie a little more. It reminds me of what I took for granted back home. For the first time, I can't help but to think that we can hope for a different kind of family here. Is that silly and I'm too sentimental?"
"And what have you concluded? Am I alright?" Leverett asked quietly. Afraid she would see through his facade of happy-go-lucky.
Eirik chuckled and pointed to Saskia. "She's the debt collector. She has the magic hands. Mine's only good for bludgeoning things to death." He said with humor.
Claire smiled and thanked Saskia, before standing up and leaving the cell to stand with them in the hallway, in case they wanted to talk, which she hoped they didn't, because she just wanted to leave, preferably with Eirik, but she knew that wasn't going to happen, he was a magnet for women.

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