Child with severe constipation/impacted bowel

I think it does help them to see others daughter potty learned very quickly and she is always in the bathroom with me. I hate it when she claps and cheers me on while I'm pooping.

We also drink a lot of kefir here! My daughter loves it made into a shake with strawberries.

I hope it's something behavioral your daughter can grow out of rather than a life long plague of poop issues. I know how much that sucks.
This condition has mmany causes and many treatments. I suggest you follow MissPrissy's advice of treatment and heed Miss__Jayne's warning. The karo syrup and milk is a mild form of laxative and stool softner. The lemon flavored stuff is Mag Citrate (magnesium of citrate) and is rather harsh. Milk of magnesia is a mild form of stool softner. The most important ingredient is "water".
I've taken care of patients with colon meglia( enlarged colon) and the poo was in there like a brick, had stretched that part of the colon and could not pass through the normal sized colon. The constant watery poo she is passing is the body trying to pass the bolus on through. If you have access to a stethescope you can listen on her tummy to find the area of blockage. You will hear very high tinkling sounds as the gas passes through the impacted area. If it is low left in the abdomen it is probably colon related, but if you hear it in mid, upper, or right side it may be due to an obstruction as Jayne had suggested and could be dangerous to try to manipulate.
Best advice is to try gentle methods of stool softening. Milk of Magnesia, Colace, Karo syrup and milk (warm). Get her to the pediatrician asap. Let us all know what happens.
Try a shake made with yogurt, fresh fruit and flax seeds every morning and every night. It will help. Add a little honey to make it sweet and yummy. My 6 year old did this because she was scared to poop at grade school and these shakes worked perfectly.
Unlike many here who have children that were helped with milk and fruit juice, my middle daughter only packed up harder with that. She also was a colic baby for nearly 6 months of her life so I have always attributed the problem to that. Our Doctor wasn't much help, but I strongly advise you to seek a professional opinion. She is 9 years old and manages to stay normal if she is taking a daily fiber pill. I get mine from Herbalife, but you can find many natural fiber rememdies in you local pharmacy. Once we put her on fiber pills daily it has been like a new child. She is so much happier. She hasn't necessarily had to change her diet either - and she does eat a very healthy variety of good foods.
:idunnowhen I was 3-4 I had similar problems lots of prunes and praise helped me. when ever i would go my parents put a sticker on the calender! you might want to try this it helps!!!!!!!!
I didn't read thru all the posts, but she needs to see a doctor and they need to do something NOW. This can get worse very quickly and it sounds like it already has. The doctor may need to manually remove any waste that is blocking the bowel and then the dr. should work with you to re-train your daughter how to have a healthy bm. Most likely you will need to give her stool softeners, ya know like we had after we had babies...just makes pooping easier.

I share your pain...I have a very good friend who is going thru this now with her 6 yr old son. But it can be treated, but you need to talk to Dr. Asap.

Good luck!
Thanks for all your replies guys. Our appointment for the paed has come through, it is for a week today so not long to wait. I will also be trying some of your really helpful suggestions too in the meantime.
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There is some real wisdom here, I know I also went through this and now I also have irritable bowel. I am fine with loose stools but still dread the impact of the constipation, but MichiganWoods came up with my best idea, Prunes. I keep a jar of prune juice, and if I start to get the symptoms I start having a small glass every morning and it works a treat and is totally natural.

It is so scary for someone so young, and it is difficult to work out which comes first the impacting or the fear, I think it starts by accident and then becomes a real scary issue, but prunes will do no harm at all and they will make the stools soft. High Fibre also keep the maintenance on tack and hopefully stopsit happening again.

Best wishes for your little girl and you,

Do not give her anything with cheese . Like Mac and Cheese for one .

My lil 4 yr. old grand daughter gets blocked from eating way to much mac and Cheese . She loves it and NOW since we discovered its the cause from her being so constipated , She ask for ONLY a little bit . Its so pititful . I gave her about a cup of Mac and Ch the other day and she stopped eating after eating about 1/4 of that cup and said NO MORE going to hurt me . Sha' baby

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