Chinese Goose with injured leg


In the Brooder
Nov 11, 2020
Hi, two days ago our male chinese goose got his leg stuck between a board and the edge of our pond. We hardly ever leave for the day, but we were gone, I am not sure how long he was there but a neighbor free'd him. He has periods where he does put his weight on the foot and I've seen him put more than just half his weight on it (the other foot was up on a bowl). We've kept him and his flock in their enclosure, all on level soft straw, with a baby pool and food, other water bowls, so he doesn't roam and is encouraged to stay still. We try not to go visit him other than medicating him with aspirin (as found on these forums). (we noticed he moved around a lot more when we were around). I've noticed the aspirin makes a difference.


The foot is warm/hot and swollen, but not getting worse. I can't see
any open (or previously) open wounds. He is eating and drinking.

In your experience, should I get some antibiotics in him? ("fish antibotics"?) Can I get these at tractor supply?
How long do these kind of injuries take to heal?

Any other advice?

Kind regards,
Amy and Goostan (and his mallard buddy named "LaPoof", all from Beauty and the Beast)
I’m not sure how long it will take to heal but I’ve seen geese heal from some nasty gouges in just a few weeks. I can’t say what kind of antibiotics tractor supply sells, I’m not sure what state you’re in but I’m in CA so I couldn’t get them there or anywhere without a prescription anyway.
All I can say is try to keep him in as clean of an area as possible until it’s more healed, you could try putting neosporin on it in the meantime, if he starts acting off or if the leg gets really swollen then he should probably be put on antibiotics.

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