Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

I've got nothing either...

i got nothing either had a couple move but that is it.
So this is my solution to everything. Starting complaining publically and it will happen. I HAVE A PIP!

I thought I had a mouse in the wall, all the racket that was going on. NO! It is a chick chipping away at the inside of the egg!!!!
Home from shopping, dash into the spare room, look in the 'bator and... nothing! My pip had done nothing since last night.

So I filled up the water again, inspected for further pips with a torch and left them to bring in the shopping.
A little later the pip was a little bigger and while I was refilling the chicks water DH went in there and somehow managed to kick the box the 'bator is sitting on!
Water and eggs went rolling everywhere and when I looked my pip was face down next to the wall.

At that point I had to do SOMETHING so I quickly flipped it over and put it and the others back. I could see it's little beak gasping when I turned it right side up.
So my question is... How bad is it to shake, rattle and roll eggies on day 21?

Oh, and humidity has been bumped right up because I'm fully aware my little one could get shrinkwraped. I don't think any shells got cracked but I truely didn't look hard, just wanted to get the lid back on and humidity back up ASAP.
Ha ha yes, I did that with my first batch. I'm more concerned at the damage that might have been done when DH kicked the box the 'bator was sitting on and sent them flying.

If nothing hatches I will kill him!

EDIT: to add, just checked my pip, it seems to be breathing hard and I think trying to zip
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